18 - 19 March 2013

College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research: Kick-off Workshop

The Research Unit “Skill Formation and Labour Market” is a leading partner in the new “College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research”, the first attempt in Germany to provide a structured career advancement program for postdocs. 30 research fellows from sociology, psychology, education and economics will cooperate in interdisciplinary projects to study important issues in educational research.

At the kick-off workshop, the main research topics of the College,
- educational inequality and success against the odds
- competence development as an educational and social process
- (monetary and non-monetary) returns to education,

will be discussed with the fellows, who will present their research interests.

The College will be financed for an initial period of 3.5 years by the Jacobs Foundation and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).