Events 2013

Monday, 9 December 2013
Edward J. Hackett

On one level the answer is “of course!”  Science is proven possible every day by the existence of scientific journals and societies, by the professional activities and employment of scientists, and by the ongoing process of scientific education and apprenticeship.  But on another level science is a complicated and fragile enterprise whose existence depends on a constellation of distinctive cultural circumstances (abstraction, reason, empiricism, curiosity), organizational patterns (work settings, access to instruments and data, journals, professional societies), institutional arrangements (

Monday, 9 December 2013
Start: 6:00 pm


Contact name
Nina Scheuble
nina.scheuble [at]
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Michael Zürn: Die EU in der Krise oder auf dem Weg zu Politisierung?

Die Vortragsreihe „Europa in der Krise. Problemdiagnose und Zukunftsperspektiven“ im Rahmen des Jahresthemas 2013|14 "Zukunftsort: EUROPA" an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften geht in ihre dritte Runde. In diesem Teil der Reihe thematisiert der Politikwissenschaftler Michael Zürn die Konsequenzen der Finanz- und Währungskrise für die europäische Integration und versucht - aus einer transnationalen Perspektive - Wege einer europäischen Verständigung nach der Krise aufzuzeigen. Zu dem öffentlichen Vortrag laden wir Sie herzlich ein.

Thursday, 5 December 2013
Start: 7:00 pm


Contact name
Susanne Hauer
hauer [at]
5 - 6 December 2013
Abschlusskonferenz des Projekts „Unbekanntes Terrain – Wissenstransfer in den Sozial- und Raumwissenschaften“
am 5. und 6. Dezember 2013 in Berlin

Das Thema Wissenstransfer ist hochaktuell, wissenschaftspolitisch wie wissenschaftssoziologisch. Anders als bei den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften gibt es für die Sozial- und Raumwissenschaften keine Analysen des Wissens- und Technologietransfers. In diesen Disziplinen ist umstritten, ob Transfer in außerwissenschaftliche Bereiche überhaupt zum Kanon guter Wissenschaft gehört. Dementsprechend sind Transferaktivitäten in den sozial- und raumwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen bisher gering institutionalisiert und kaum sichtbar.

5 - 6 December 2013


Contact name
Bettina Kausch
bettina.kausch [at]
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Brownbag seminar by Elizabeth Humphrys, University of Sydney

While most literature on neoliberalism argues it can only be understood through its variety and geographic specificity, accounts still often emphasise two particular narratives. Firstly, that neoliberalism was implemented in its vanguard phase by governments of the Right (such as those of Thatcher and Reagan, with similar policies subsequently adopted by social democratic parties). Secondly, that neoliberalism is primarily a coercive project (e.g. direct attacks on unions and the working class, imposition of structural adjustment, the Pinochet dictatorship).

Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Start: 12:30 pm


Contact name
Marion Obermaier / Stefanie Roth
marion.obermaier [at]
Monday, 2 December 2013
With Maleeha Lodhi (former Ambassador, Pakistan)

Western perceptions of Pakistan tend to be uniformly negative – corrupt, dysfunctional and dangerous are only a few adjectives that come to mind. For years, Pakistan has been perceived by many observers of global affairs as a stumbling block towards regional and global security and peace. With this dominant biased view, many dimensions of Pakistan’s developments have been overlooked. What actually constitutes Pakistani society and which powers define its politics?

Monday, 2 December 2013
Start: 6:00 pm


Contact name
Caroline Bertram
bertram [at]
29 - 30 November 2013
Jahrestagung 2013

Der Autonomiebegriff spielt in der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung seit ihren Anfängen eine zentrale und umstrittene Rolle. Immer wieder ist fraglich, ob und in welcher Hinsicht Wissenschaft als ein mit Regeln eigener Art ausgestatteter autonomer Handlungsbereich anzusehen und entsprechend zu behandeln ist oder umgekehrt, ob Forschungsfreiheit überhaupt ein wünschenswerter Zustand sein kann. Zudem finden sich auch Konjunkturen, da diese Debatten vor allem in Krisenzeiten geführt werden, in denen Integrität, Eigenwert und Akzeptanz von Wissenschaft in Frage stehen.

29 - 30 November 2013
Start: 10:00 am


Contact name
Marc Torka
marc.torka [at]
Thursday, 28 November 2013

Most consumers respond with scepticism or hostility when asked directly about factory farming, based on their associations of cruelty to animals. Most people say to be willing to pay higher prices for meat if livestock is held in a more animal-friendly way. This however does not translate into consumer decisions: around 98% of the meat comes from large scale livestock farming. Why? Which living conditions have to be guaranteed to animals? Is it right to eat animals? And how can customers take more responsibility?


Thursday, 28 November 2013
Start: 6:00 pm


Contact name
Marie Unger
marie.unger [at]
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Wissenschaft und Unternehmen im Dialog

Der Deutsche Juristinnenbund e.V. (djb), das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin) und das Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) laden ein zu einer gemeinsamen Veranstaltung "Frauen in Führungspositionen auf dem Weg nach oben: Wissenschaft und Unternehmen im Dialog".

Thursday, 28 November 2013
Start: 2:30 pm


Contact name
Deutscher Juristinnenbund
aktionaerinnen [at]
Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Global standards in corporate financial and social reporting have attracted lots of attention from policy makers, and become an expanding field of research over the last few decades. A similar discussion about different approaches to reporting regulation has been largely missing in the non-corporate sector, in particular in the area of international development.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Start: 12:30 pm


Contact name
Stefanie Roth
stefanie.roth [at]
Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Nie zuvor waren in Deutschland so viele Menschen erwerbstätig. 2012 ist ihre Zahl im siebten Jahr in Folge gestiegen. Das deutsche „Jobwunder“ wird gern zum Vorbild für andere Länder genommen. Ein Blick auf die ungleiche Einkommensverteilung zeichnet ein anderes Bild der deutschen Gesellschaft. Vom wachsenden Wohlstand profitieren längst nicht alle Menschen. Das Risiko, in Armut abzurutschen, ist für einige Gruppen gestiegen.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Start: 10:00 am


Contact name
Claudia Roth
claudia.roth [at]
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Brownbag seminar by Professor Jean-Claude Thoenig

Academic quality production delivered by research universities is to a large extent an outcome of the way these institutions are functioning as organi­zations. Current literature basically focuses on an input-output model: the more resources are invested, the higher the quality. This paper tests another hypothesis that is of some importance, since top uni­versities are emerging around the world and especially in Far East Asia.

Thursday, 21 November 2013
Start: 1:00 pm


Contact name
Marion Obermaier / Stefanie Roth
marion.obermaier [at]
Monday, 18 November 2013
Lecture by Prof. Arne L. Kalleberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

This talk provides an overview of the range of responses to the spread of precarious work in industrial countries. It first summarizes what is meant by precarious work and presents some data on its growth in various countries in recent years. It then reviews some of the actions taken by unions and different social movements in response to the spread of precarious work. Next, an array of social welfare policies and labor laws that have been enacted by governments to address the growing concerns over precarious work and its consequences will be discussed.

Monday, 18 November 2013
Start: 1:30 pm


Contact name
Marion Obermaier / Stefanie Roth
buero.brady-usp [at]
Monday, 11 November 2013
Lecture by Adil Najam (Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan)

Western perceptions of Pakistan tend to be uniformly negative – corrupt, dysfunctional and dangerous are only a few adjectives that come to mind. For years, Pakistan has been perceived by many observers of global affairs as a stumbling block towards regional and global security and peace. With this dominant biased view, many dimensions of Pakistan’s developments have been overlooked. What actually constitutes Pakistani society and which powers define its politics?

Monday, 11 November 2013
Start: 6:00 pm


Contact name
Caroline Bertram
bertram [at]
Monday, 11 November 2013

Soziale Medien sind für viele Jugendliche und Erwachsene in Deutschland ein zentraler Bestandteil des alltäglichen privaten, aber auch beruflichen Lebens geworden. Im Rahmen dieses Workshops werden Experten aus dem Forschungsbereich „Social Media/Web 2.0“ Einblicke in unterschiedliche Themenbereiche gewähren und Forschungsergebnisse zu den Schwerpunkten Selbstdarstellung, Informationssuche, -austausch und -bewertung, Nutzung von Sozialkapital sowie Risikobewusstsein präsentieren.

Monday, 11 November 2013
Start: 9:00 am


Contact name
Sylvia Pichorner
sylvia.pichorner [at]
8 - 9 November 2013

Politische Entscheidungen sind heute ohne Berufung auf Expertise kaum noch denkbar. Dies lässt sich auch anhand der Vervielfältigung von Expertennetzwerken, Rating-Agenturen und Wissenschaftsbehörden auf inter- und transnationaler Ebene ablesen. Zugleich zeigt sich angesichts grenzüberschreitender Probleme – von der Kernenergie über BSE bis hin zum Klimawandel – dass Expertise gerade dort auf öffentliche Skepsis trifft, wo sie am stärksten nachgefragt wird.

8 - 9 November 2013


Contact name
Holger Straßheim
holger.strassheim [at]
Thursday, 7 November 2013
CO:STA presentation by Markus Schrenker (HU Berlin)

Experiments become increasingly popular in the social sciences and the variety of experimental methods goes well beyond game theoretic lab experiments. Vignette analysis is a survey experiment, in which respondents are randomly treated with a hypothetical situation consisting of several core characteristics, e. g. various aspects of a pensioners work biography and his/her old-age provision. As these characteristics are manipulated within and between respondents, vignette analysis offers many options for the analysis of causal effects.

Thursday, 7 November 2013
Start: 1:00 pm


Contact name
Martin Ehlert
ehlert [at]
31 October - 1 November 2013

Die Forderung nach Autonomie ist in der Wissenschaft gleichermaßen allgegenwärtig wie umstritten. Während Autonomie
auch in anderen gesellschaftlichen Feldern, etwa in der
Politik oder in der Kunst, ein Dauerthema der Selbstreflexion
ist, stößt man im Bereich der Wissenschaft hinsichtlich der
Notwendigkeit, den praktischen Konsequenzen und den Grenzen
der Autonomie auf besonders vielfältige und widersprüchliche
Positionsbestimmungen. Obwohl die Autonomiefrage
spätestens seit der Aufklärung ein wesentliches Moment wissenschaftlicher

31 October - 1 November 2013
Start: 1:00 pm


Contact name
Raja Bernard
28 - 29 October 2013

On 28-29 October 2013, the WZB is hosting an international conference on the “Advances on the Political Economy of Conflict and Redistribution II” which is jointly organized by Thomas R. Cusack (WZB), Kai A. Konrad (Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, and WZB) and Karl Ove Moene (Norwegian Centre of Excellence on Equality, Social Organization, and Performance at the University of Oslo).

28 - 29 October 2013
Start: 10:00 am


Contact name
Nina Bonge
nina.bonge [at]
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Architekturführung und Lesung "Die Wissenschaft ist das Gegengift der Verführung und des Aberglaubens."

Im Rahmen der 2. Langen Nacht der Bibliotheken in Berlin lädt das WZB zu einer Architekturführung mit anschließender Lesung aus dem Buch Adam Smiths Reise nach Frankreich oder die Entstehung der Nationalökonomie des WZB-Mitarbeiters Reinhard Blomert ein.

Thursday, 24 October 2013
Start: 5:30 pm


Contact name
Sebastian Nix
sebastian.nix [at]
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Lecture by Prof. Sigrun Olafsdottir; Boston University

Health care systems vary across multiple domains, including financing, delivery of services and access. While it is possible to evaluate health care systems in different ways, one of the most important aspect is how users of services evaluate their health care system and whether they consider their health needs to be met in satisfactory manner. As all citizens in a country are past, or at least potential users of services, we argue that public attitudes provide an important window into the general cultural climate of satisfaction, or lack therefore, with the health care system.

Thursday, 24 October 2013
Start: 1:30 pm


Contact name
Marion Obermaier / Stefanie Roth
sroth [at]
Saturday, 19 October 2013

The A.SK Social Science Award 2013 will be granted to Paul Collier, professor of economics at the University of Oxford.

The event will take place on Saturday, 19 October 2013, 1 p.m. at the WZB. The laudatory speech will be held by Klaus Töpfer. Before the event there will be a concert matinee (11 a.m. to 12 noon).

Saturday, 19 October 2013


Contact name
Dr. Katrin Schwenk [at]
17 - 18 October 2013

In the past decade, a new approach to political economy has deepened our understanding of how political institutions shape economic outcomes and how economic forces feed back on political processes. Concurrently, there have been fruitful developments on the effect of social and cultural institutions on economic behavior. In an effort to generate insights spanning the two areas, this workshop will explore the interaction of social and political factors, with a particular focus on religion and politics, by bringing together scholars in both economics and economic history.

17 - 18 October 2013
Start: 11:00 am


Contact name
Justin Valasek
justin.valasek [at]
Monday, 14 October 2013
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Stefan Hornbostel

Evaluationen in der Wissenschaft gelten als ein Instrument der Beschleunigung. In der öffentlichen Debatte wird vielmals kritisiert, dass das Zählen von Publikationen und von Drittmitteln zwar zu mehr Output, nicht aber unbedingt zu besserer Qualität von Forschungsleistungen beitragen würde. In dem Kolloquium soll über die Effekte und Nebeneffekte von Evaluationen diskutiert werden.  Führen sie tatsächlich zu Fehlsteuerungen und Fehlanreizen?

Monday, 14 October 2013
Start: 6:00 pm


Contact name
Bettina Kausch
bettina.kausch [at]
Monday, 14 October 2013
Lecture by Syed Akbar Zaidi (Columbia University, USA)
Western perceptions of Pakistan tend to be uniformly negative – corrupt, dysfunctional and dangerous are only a few adjectives that come to mind. For years, Pakistan has been perceived by many observers of global affairs as a stumbling block towards regional and global security and peace. With this dominant biased view, many dimensions of Pakistan’s developments have been overlooked. What actually constitutes Pakistani society and which powers define its politics?
Monday, 14 October 2013
Start: 6:00 pm


Contact name
Caroline Bertram
bertram [at]
Monday, 14 October 2013
WZB Distinguished Lecture in Social Sciences by Robert Keohane (Princeton University)

“Counter-multilateralism” is an apt phrase to describe a pervasive contemporary phenomenon: the strategic use of multilateral institutions to challenge the rules, practices, or missions of multilateral institutions. States and non-state actors, intergovernmental organizations or non-governmental organizations form coalitions that respond to dissatisfaction by combining threats of exit, voice, and the creation of alternative institutions.

Monday, 14 October 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
Patricia Löffler
patricia.loeffler [at]
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
CO:STA presentation by Ryan Finnigan (WZB)

Our commonly used frequentist statistics tell us the likelihood to have randomly drawn our particular random dataset at hand, if in reality the null-hypothesis was true. This is quite complicated and so it comes at no surprise that we often falsely interpret these inferential statistics as the likelihood that the null-hypothesis is true, or even worse that a statistically significant finding is highly likely to be true. But is it not possible to infer the likelihood of our findings given the data rather than the likelihood of our data given the findings?

Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Start: 1:00 pm


Contact name
Merlin Schaeffer
merlin.schaeffer [at]
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Brownbag seminar by Professor Robyn Eckersley, University of Melbourne

Those who argue that multilateralism is in crisis typically point to the Doha Development Round of trade negotiations under the WTO and the post-Kyoto negotiations under the UNFCCC as Exhibits A and B. Both sets of negotiations have moved at a glacial pace over the past decade, are plagued by mistrust and major divisions among hardened negotiating blocs, and have so far failed to fulfil their basic purposes.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Start: 12:30 pm


Contact name
Marion Obermaier / Stefanie Roth
marion.obermaier [at]
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Ergebnisse vor dem Hintergrund einer neu belebten Diskussion - Tagung der Sektion Soziale Indikatoren der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie

Die Messung subjektiven Wohlbefindens spielt international eine immer stärkere Rolle. So hat die OECD im März dieses Jahres hierzu „guidelines“ vorgestellt, die die Verwendung von Messinstrumenten unterstützen und Hinweise für Analysen und Berichterstattung geben sollen. Damit soll die amtliche Statistik bessere Voraussetzungen für die Einbeziehung des subjektiven Wohlbefindens in ihre Erhebungen und letztendlich in den politischen Prozess schaffen. Durch die Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise stellt sich die Frage, ob und wie solche Entwicklungen das subjektive Wohlbefinden beeinträchtigen.

Thursday, 19 September 2013
Start: 10:00 am


Contact name
Chorlada Srisawat
chorlada.srisawat [at]
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
CO:STA presentation by Marcel Raab (WZB)

In quantitative analyses, we analyse nominal and continuous variables, or so we are taught. For example: is a country democratic and how democratic is a country, or is a person poor and how poor is she? But both democratization and impoverishment are processes that develop over time. In consequence, there are social trajectories of democratization and impoverishment.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Start: 1:00 pm


Contact name
Christian Rauh
christian.rauh [at]
Friday, 13 September 2013
Roundtable Discussion

The recent meltdown of the financial markets and the lack of progress on announced financial reforms at the international level have stimulated debates about power in the field of finance. What role do financial institutions have in influencing the regulatory process? What has been achieved since the financial crisis? These questions will be addressed by experts from academia, NGOs, and think tanks in this roundtable discussion.

Friday, 13 September 2013
Start: 6:30 pm


Contact name
Stefanie Roth
stefanie.roth [at]
11 - 14 September 2013

School-to-Work Transitions in Times of Economic Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Remedies

The WZB is hosting the 21st Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transition-in-Youth. The main objective of the network is to advance our understanding of transitions in youth with a special focus on the transitions between education system and labour market.

11 - 14 September 2013
Start: 7:00 pm


Contact name
Christian Brzinsky-Fay
tiy2013 [at]
3 - 4 September 2013

Data linkage is a technique used to connect pieces of information that relate to the same individual, family, place, or event. Western Australia (WA) has developed a unique health data linkage system that connects information about all health events for individuals, including births, hospital admissions, cancer, mental health, and deaths. It offers longitudinal data, is cost-effective, and protects the individual’s privacy.  

3 - 4 September 2013


Contact name
Sonia Mira
sonia.mira [at]
Thursday, 29 August 2013

Heutige Gesellschaften sind existentiell auf ein leistungsfähiges Wissenschaftssystem angewiesen, denn die Wissenschaft stellt das Wissen bereit, das zur Bewältigung immer komplexerer gesellschaftlicher Problemlagen erforderlich ist. Um jedoch die Wissenschaft und ihre Einrichtungen gezielt und effektiv zu fördern sowie zugleich auch die Folgen der wissenschaftlichen Entwicklungen insgesamt einschätzen zu können, bedarf die Wissenschafts- und Hochschulpolitik eines Reflexions- und Orientierungswissens.

Thursday, 29 August 2013
Start: 10:00 am


Contact name
Dr. Martina Franzen
martina.franzen [at]
Monday, 26 August 2013
Breaking Bad: Economics and Morality

Hailed by viewers and critics alike as the greatest TV show ever, Breaking Bad explores themes of economic conditions, occupational choice, self-affirmation and moral change through the example of high-school chemistry teacher Walter White who when diagnosed with terminal lung cancer seeks financial salvation for his family in the drug business.

Monday, 26 August 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
Claudia Roth
claudia.roth [at]
22 - 23 August 2013
IZA / WZB Conference

This two-day conference focuses on field experiments, how they can inform our understanding of economic behavior and what its limitations are. The covered topics include incentives in the workplace, social identity and discrimination, selection issues, and preference anomalies. The aim of this conference is to bring together senior and junior researchers to discuss and present their work.

22 - 23 August 2013


Contact name
Dietmar Fehr
dietmar.fehr [at]
Monday, 15 July 2013
Discussion with Mathias Risse

In recent years there has been a vigorous debate among political philosophers about the origin and limits of the territorial rights of states. Three major views have emerged: a Kantian view; a Lockean view; and a nationalist view. These views differ substantially, but what they have in common is that they theorize territorial rights essentially one state at a time, without taking anything like a global standpoint. For that reason, topics such as immigration and global responsibilities connected to territoriality only appear as afterthoughts in these accounts.

Monday, 15 July 2013
Start: 1:00 pm


Contact name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at]
12 - 13 July 2013
Internationale Konferenz

Die Konferenz zum Thema "Cosmpolitan Conditions for Legitimate Sovereignty" hat als Ausgangspunkt die These, dass Internationales Recht und Internationale Politik die Aufgabe haben, die externen Bedingungen zu gewährleisten, unter denen Behauptungen staatlicher Souveränität legitim sein können. Welche Bedingungen aber sind das genau?

12 - 13 July 2013
Start: 10:30 am


Contact name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at]
Friday, 12 July 2013

The workshop is organized jointly by the research centers CIRPÉE
and WZB and will be held in Berlin at the WZB on July 12, 2013. The workshop will start in the morning and will end with a dinner on that day.

The main goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers analyzing ambiguity experimentally and theoretically, preferably in the context of markets.

Friday, 12 July 2013
Start: 9:00 am


Contact name
Dorothea Kübler
dorothea.kuebler [at]
Monday, 8 July 2013
Lecture by Berthold Hocher
Short description
Many lines of evidence, including epidemiologic data and extensive clinical and experimental studies, indicate that early life events play a powerful role in influencing later susceptibility to cardio-renal and also mental diseases. First evidence for this concept came from epidemiological study about 25 years ago. Animal studies later identified the underlying molecular pathways. Currently, we assume that environmental factors in early life affect the epigenome of the growing foetus, thus causing life-long adaptation of gene expression patterns. Depending on the initial stimuli (biological, socioeconomic, psychological, nutritional), this process may result in adverse later outcomes for human health and development.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Start: 2:00 pm


Contact name
Sonia Mira
sonia.mira [at]
Monday, 8 July 2013
Discussion with Yu Keping

Professor Yu Keping is the Director of the Center for Chinese Government Innovations at Beijing University, China. He is a distinguished scholar having produced many books including the widely noted Democracy Is a Good Thing. In addition to his academic work, he has also acted as an advisor on political reforms to the Chinese government.

Professor Yu is also the New World Senior Fellow in the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation in the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Monday, 8 July 2013
Start: 1:00 pm


Contact name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at]
Friday, 5 July 2013

Gegenwärtig wird intensiv über die zeitlichen Voraussetzungen der Demokratie debattiert: Wie verändert sich die Koordination durch Zeithorizonte (Governing by Time) und die Rhythmisierung des Regierens (Time of Governing)? Welche Rolle spielt die Verstetigung sozialer Macht in parlamentarischen und administrativen Zeitstrukturen? Zudem kollidieren diese Eigenzeiten demokratischen Regierens zunehmend mit der Beschleunigung ökonomischer, technologischer und kultureller Prozesse: Gerät die Demokratie dabei an ihre Geschwindigkeitsgrenzen?

Friday, 5 July 2013


Contact name
Holger Straßheim
holger.strassheim [at]
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
at the Berlin Colloquium

This event is part of the colloquium series “Rethinking Law in a Global Context”, which this summer semester focuses on “Private Ordering and Public Authority”, sponsored by the WZB Rule of Law Center and convened by Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm (WZB and New York University) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ingolf Pernice (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).

Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Start: 4:15 pm


Contact name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at]
28 - 29 June 2013

The rule of law is commonly closely associated with the nation state. Ever more states commit themselves to rule of law standards and, moreover, the rule of law has become a prominent feature of legitimate statehood. As authority has started to shift from the national to the global level, so, too, has the rule of law. International law has expanded and mechanisms to foster its implementation have been strengthened.

28 - 29 June 2013


Contact name
Barçın Uluışık
barcin.uluisik [at]
26 - 28 June 2013
17th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality -
Vorträge am 26. und 28. Juni.

Are we not only amusing but also traveling ourselves to death? Has the modern tourist industry abolished travel as we know it and transformed our cities and landscapes into open air-museums that all look the same, with only minor differences? Did the post-modern leisure and tourist industry capture the good old state-sponsored institution of the museum turning it into a blockbuster world with fancy curated exhibitions we go to as a secular surregate for the holy pilgrimage? What is behind the ongoing process of a musealization of our world that seems to neglects the past?

26 - 28 June 2013


Contact name
Sabine Berking
info [at]
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
at the Berlin Colloquium

This event is part of the colloquium series “Rethinking Law in a Global Context”, which this summer semester focuses on “Private Ordering and Public Authority”, sponsored by the WZB Rule of Law Center and convened by Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm (WZB and New York University) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ingolf Pernice (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).

Professor Moritz Renner is the Lichtenberg-Professor for Transnational Economic Law and Theory of Economic Law at the University of Bremen.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Start: 4:15 pm


Contact name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at]
Monday, 24 June 2013
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Beisiegel, Präsidentin der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Vizepräsidentin der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz
Short description
In der heutigen hochentwickelten Welt sind wirkliche neue Erkenntnisse meist in komplexe Zusammenhänge eingebettet. Diese zu erkennen, die Forschungsergebnisse zu verifizieren und die neuen Erkenntnisse in komplexe Systeme einzuordnen ist ein Prozess, der Zeit braucht. Zeit zum Erdenken und Überdenken, Zeit für Reflexion und kritische Diskussion.
Monday, 24 June 2013
Start: 6:00 pm


Contact name
Bettina Kausch
bettina.kausch [at]
24 - 25 June 2013

Das Kolleg für Interdisziplinäre Bildungsforschung der Abteilung Ausbildung und Arbeitsmarkt veranstaltet am 24.-25.05. seinen Public Science Workshop. Ziel des Workshops ist es, eine offene Grundhaltung und Sensibilität der teilnehmenden Fellows des Kollegs für die Auswahl ihrer Forschungsthemen sowie die Möglichkeit ihrer Verbreitung in die Öffentlichkeit zu fördern.

24 - 25 June 2013


Contact name
Diana Lange
diana.lange [at]
19 - 20 June 2013
Auftaktkonferenz des Instituts für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung i.G.

Proteste und soziale Bewegungen sind treibende Kräfte gesellschaftlicher Veränderung. Sie bestimmen immer wieder die Schlagzeilen, beeinflussen Entscheidungen und verändern den Blick auf die Welt. Obwohl Politik „von unten” so wirkmächtig ist, bleibt die wissenschaftlliche Analyse ihrer Entstehung, Entwicklung und Wirkung unterentwickelt. Mit dem entstehenden Institut für Protest‐und Bewegungsforschung wollen wir diese Lücke füllen.

19 - 20 June 2013


Contact name
Heike Walk
walk [at]
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
at the Berlin Colloquium

This event is part of the colloquium series “Rethinking Law in a Global Context”, which this summer semester focuses on “Private Ordering and Public Authority”, sponsored by the WZB Rule of Law Center and convened by Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm (WZB and New York University) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ingolf Pernice (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).

Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Start: 4:15 pm


Contact name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at]
Friday, 14 June 2013

The concept of subsidiarity doesn’t play an explicit role in the current political debate: neither in the discussion about the policy of commitment, nor in the discourses about the demographic change, about the personal responsibility of citizens, the new importance of municipalities or the renaissance of neighborhoods as places of lived solidarity.  But these topics affect the fundamental idea of subsidiarity.

Friday, 14 June 2013
Start: 10:00 am


Contact name
Cornelia Vetter
cornelia.vetter [at]
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
at the Berlin Colloquium

This event is part of the colloquium series “Rethinking Law in a Global Context”, which this summer semester focuses on “Private Ordering and Public Authority”, sponsored by the WZB Rule of Law Center and convened by Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm (WZB and New York University) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ingolf Pernice (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).

Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Start: 4:15 pm


Contact name
hilde.ottschofski [at]
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Co:Sta Presentation by Sophie Mützel (WZB)

Following our earlier session on quantitative textual analysis, Sophie Mützel will introduce us to applications of topic models. Originally, developed in computer science, machine learning, and natural language processing, topic models have recently gained increased attention in digital humanities, but also in the social sciences. Based on a particular probabilistic distribution, topic model algorithms cluster together words into "topics" without a priori coding by analysts. Topic modeling thus can be used as a tool to discover themes in large collections of documents.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Start: 1:00 pm


Contact name
Christian Rauh
christian.rauh [at]
Thursday, 6 June 2013

Die experimentelle Methode hat in den letzten Jahren einen wachsenden Einfluss in der Entwicklungsökonomik erworben. Mit ihr lässt sich vor allem die Wirksamkeit ökonomischer Interventionen im Feld überprüfen. Viel verwendet wird die Methode der randomized trials, wie sie aus klinischen Versuchsreihen bekannt ist. Ein gänzlich anderer Ansatz ist die Analyse individueller Präferenzen an der Schnittstelle von Psychologie und experimenteller Ökonomik. Die beiden Herangehensweisen haben sehr ähnliche Zielsetzungen, aber werden verfolgt in fast vollständiger Unabhängigkeit voneinander.

Thursday, 6 June 2013


Contact name
Caroline Heuer
ConfJune_2013 [at]
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Wandel im Selbstverständnis, Vortrag von Rudolf Speth

Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen als Lobbygruppen? Lange war diese Formulierung kaum denkbar. Lobbying betrieben die anderen: Unternehmen, die Verbände aus der Wirtschaft, Interessengruppen, die auf ihren eigenen Vorteil bedacht sind. Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen machen sich ihrem Verständnis zufolge für breite, gemeinwohlaffine Interessen stark, auch stellvertretend für die Schwachen. Zudem verstanden sich viele zivilgesellschaftliche Gruppen als soziomoralische Basis der Demokratie.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
Marie Unger
marie.unger [at]
Monday, 3 June 2013
Lecture with Fareeha Zafar (Society for the Advancement of Education, Pakistan)
Short description
Western perceptions of Pakistan tend to be uniformly negative – corrupt, dysfunctional and dangerous are only a few adjectives that come to mind. For years, Pakistan has been perceived by many observers of global affairs as a stumbling block towards regional and global security and peace. With this dominant biased view, many dimensions of Pakistan’s developments have been overlooked. What actually constitutes Pakistani society and which powers define its politics?

Monday, 3 June 2013
Start: 6:00 pm


Contact name
Caroline Bertram
bertram [at]
Thursday, 30 May 2013

9.00-11.30:  Symposium (A300)

11.30-12.30: Exhibition "Objects of Newness" (A300/public)

13.00-14.00: Lunch Beat (Garage/public)

Thursday, 30 May 2013
Start: 9:00 am


Contact name
Claudia Nenwich
claudia.nentwich [at]
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
at the Berlin Colloquium

This event is part of the colloquium series “Rethinking Law in a Global Context”, which this summer semester focuses on “Private Ordering and Public Authority”, sponsored by the WZB Rule of Law Center and convened by Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm (WZB and New York University) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ingolf Pernice (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).

Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Start: 4:15 pm


Contact name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at]
24 - 25 May 2013

The debate on trust, cooperation, and civic engagement in ethnically diverse communities has proliferated rapidly over the last decade. Dozens of studies have been conducted on a variety of countries and levels of analysis, across a range of indicators of social capital, and using divergent operationalizations of diversity. The outcomes of these studies have been almost as varied as their research designs. The time has come to draw up the balance. The conference will focus on the discussion about causal mechanisms linking diversity and social capital.  

24 - 25 May 2013


Contact name
Jutta Höhne
jutta.hoehne [at]
Thursday, 23 May 2013
WZB Distinguished Lecture in Social Sciences by Torsten Persson (Stockholm University)


How do political parties which are in competition with other parties under proportional representation, choose the composition of their lists with regard to gender and competence? Torsten Persson asks this question for Sweden. He has built a unique data set with rich individual data on all politicial candidates, in all parties, in all Swedish municipalities, since 1988. The data show that the elected shares of women and competent men both increase with the quality of the party leadership.

Thursday, 23 May 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
Gebhard Glock
gebhard.glock [at]
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Lecture by Lucy Suchman

Drawing from reports in investigative journalism, military documents, and critical scholarship, Lucy Suchman examines connections between the emphasis in military and security discourses on keeping “our” bodies safe through so called network-centric warfare, and the project of cutting the networks that might bring wars too close to home. The lecture will examine conjoinings of persons and machines within the military-industrial-media-entertainment network.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
Chris Reinelt
chris.reinelt [at]
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Lecture with Rehana Hakim (Newsline, Pakistan)


Western perceptions of Pakistan tend to be uniformly negative – corrupt, dysfunctional and dangerous are only a few adjectives that come to mind. For years, Pakistan has been perceived by many observers of global affairs as a stumbling block towards regional and global security and peace. With this dominant biased view, many dimensions of Pakistan’s developments have been overlooked. What actually constitutes Pakistani society and which powers define its politics?

Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Start: 6:00 pm


Contact name
Caroline Bertram
bertram [at]
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
at the Berlin Colloquium

This event is part of the colloquium series “Rethinking Law in a Global Context”, which this summer semester focuses on “Private Ordering and Public Authority”, sponsored by the WZB Rule of Law Center and convened by Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm (WZB and New York University) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ingolf Pernice (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).

Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Start: 4:15 pm


Contact name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at]
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Berlin Colloquium

This event is part of the colloquium series “Rethinking Law in a Global Context”, which this summer semester focuses on “Private Ordering and Public Authority”, sponsored by the WZB Rule of Law Center and convened by Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm (WZB and New York University) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ingolf Pernice (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).

Gonçalo de Almeida Ribeiro is Gulbenkian Professor at the Católica Global School of Law.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Start: 4:15 pm


Contact name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at]
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Wie soziale Beziehungen den Zugang zum Engagement beeinflussen

Wer sich gesellschaftlich engagieren will, braucht zunächst Informationen über die Möglichkeiten, aktiv zu werden. Solche Informationen werden in den meisten Fällen über soziale Kontakte vermittelt. Die Forschung ist sich einig: Je größer das persönliche soziale Netzwerk, desto höher ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, für ein Engagement angesprochen zu werden.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
bis zum 6. Mai an Marie Unger
marie.unger [at]
Monday, 6 May 2013
Lecture by Prof. Arthur S. Alderson, Indiana University

Why are income and subjective well-being related? Scholars have offered two very different sorts of explanations, suggesting that income’s positive association with happiness and life satisfaction is attributable to 1) the goods that income “buys” (the absolute income explanation) or 2) the social comparisons that income engenders (the relative income explanation). The presentation will summarize key findings of a national RDD survey of 728 U.S. adults conducted in 2012 that was designed to address this issue.

Monday, 6 May 2013
Start: 1:30 pm


Contact name
Stefanie Roth
Stefanie.roth [at]
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

This event is part of the colloquium series “Rethinking Law in a Global Context”, which this summer semester focuses on “Private Ordering and public Authority”, sponsored by the WZB Rule of Law Center and convened by Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm (WZB and New York Univeristy) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ingolf Pernice (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).

Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Start: 4:15 pm


Contact name
Hilde Ottschofski
hilde.ottschofski [at]
Friday, 26 April 2013

This conference presents sociological research on poverty conducted by a set of international scholars. Special attention is devoted to how the major societal institutions of work, family, housing, and education contribute to poverty.

Friday, 26 April 2013
Start: 8:45 am


Contact name
Marion Obermaier / Stefanie Roth
buero.brady-usp [at]
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Dr. Lyndall Strazdins, Australian National University

In the next five decades the Australian population pyramid will invert, doubling the ratio of people over 65 to the working age population from 20 percent in 2007 to around 40 percent in 2050. One way to safeguard economic productivity is to raise labour forceparticipation. This could be achieved by extending employment past the current retirement age and further engaging mothers. Australian mothers’ participation is low, and the majority of employed mothers work part-time (similar to the situation in Germany).

Thursday, 25 April 2013
Start: 11:30 am


Contact name
Sonia Mira
sonia.mira [at]
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Vortrag von Jennifer Eschweiler

Muslime werden im öffentlichen Diskurs oft als integrationspolitisches Problem dargestellt. Dabei wurde Integrationspolitik jahrzehntelang ohne Beteiligung der Zielgruppen formuliert. So konnten keine erfolgreichen Strategien für die gesellschaftliche Einbindung von Minderheiten entwickelt werden. Außerdem führt die mangelnde Repräsentation ganzer Bevölkerungssegmente zu einem Legitimationsdefizit.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
bis zum 15. April an Marie Unger
marie.unger [at]
Monday, 8 April 2013
Pakistan Elections 2013 - Problems and Prospects

Sarwar Bari (Pattan, Pakistan)

Western perceptions of Pakistan tend to be uniformly negative – corrupt, dysfunctional and dangerous are only a few adjectives that come to mind. For years, Pakistan has been perceived by many observers of global affairs as a stumbling block towards regional and global security and peace. With this dominant biased view, many dimensions of Pakistan’s developments have been overlooked. What actually constitutes Pakistani society and which powers define its politics?

Monday, 8 April 2013
Start: 6:00 pm


Contact name
Caroline Bertram
bertram [at]
Monday, 8 April 2013
Short description
Roger Waldinger (UCLA) and Ruud Koopmans (WZB) will present their most recent work on cross-national research on migration, in discussion with Adrian Favell (Sciences Po, Paris) and Gökce Yurdakul (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).
Monday, 8 April 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
Pauline Weller (HU Berlin)
pauline.weller [at]
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
WZB Distinguished Lecture in Social Sciences by Neil Fligstein (UC Berkeley)

The worldwide financial crisis of 2007-2010 was set off by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market in the U.S. This crisis caused widespread banking failure in the U.S. and forced the federal government to provide a massive bailout to the financial sector. The crisis simultaneously reverberated to banks around the world, and eventually brought about a worldwide recession. This paper documents why Western European countries were so susceptible to the housing price downturn.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
Büro David Brady
buero.brady-usp [at]
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

What are the impacts of artistic interventions in organizations, how are such initiatives funded and what policy measures are needed to develop the field in Europe? Answers to these questions were generated in the course of the 2-year Creative Clash project, supported by the EU, and will be presented at the closing conference at the Goethe Institute in Brussels. The conference positions artistic interventions as a vehicle emanating from the creative sector to stimulate innovation in all kinds of public and private organizations.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Contact name
Ariane Berthoin Antal
ariane.berthoin.antal [at]
18 - 19 March 2013

The Research Unit “Skill Formation and Labour Market” is a leading partner in the new “College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research”, the first attempt in Germany to provide a structured career advancement program for postdocs. 30 research fellows from sociology, psychology, education and economics will cooperate in interdisciplinary projects to study important issues in educational research.

At the kick-off workshop, the main research topics of the College,
- educational inequality and success against the odds

18 - 19 March 2013
Start: 9:30 am


Contact name
Christian Brzinsky-Fay
christian.brzinsky-fay [at]
Monday, 18 March 2013
30 Fellows beginnen interdisziplinäre Arbeit
Short description
Am Montag, den 18. März, werden die 30 Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten des neuen Kollegs für interdisziplinäre Bildungsforschung im WZB begrüßt. Das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung und der Jacobs Foundation geförderte Kolleg weitet erstmals die strukturierte Förderung des Nachwuchses in der Bildungsforschung auf die Zeit nach der Promotion aus.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Start: 9:30 am


Contact name
Gabriele Kammerer
gabriele.kammerer [at]
Thursday, 14 March 2013

Gegenwärtig kreisen drei unterschiedliche Diskurse um die vermeintliche Krise der Demokratie: die öffentliche Diskussion, die Debatte in der Politischen Theorie sowie in der empirischen Demokratieforschung. Interessanterweise unterscheiden sie sich in ihren Aussagen: Die öffentliche ebenso wie die theoretische Debatte machen unmissverständlich klar, dass es eine Krise der Parteien, der Parlamente, der politischen Eliten, der Partizipation, der Repräsentation und der demokratischen Herrschaft, kurz: eine Krise des gesamten demokratischen Systems gibt.

Thursday, 14 March 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
Marie Unger
marie.unger [at]
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Valerie Bunce, Cornell University

Central to the analysis of diffusion is identifying what is being diffused and explaining why that innovation travels across units. In this talk, Valerie Bunce  compares three cross-national waves of popular mobilizations against authoritarian rulers over the past quarter of a century – that is, 1989, the color revolutions and the Arab uprisings – in order to address precisely those questions.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
please reply by March 5 to Marie Unger
marie.unger [at]
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Vortrag von Simon Teune und Heike Walk

Wenn von Zivilgesellschaft und Engagement die Rede ist, werden konflikthafte Formen (z.B. Proteste) und politische Partizipationsansprüche nicht selten marginalisiert oder sogar herausgefiltert. Politisches Engagement ist aber nicht von der Sphäre der Zivilgesellschaft zu trennen: Viele zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen gehen aus politischen Konflikten hervor. Proteste gehören nicht nur für ein Viertel der Bevölkerung, sondern auch für 12 Prozent der zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen zum selbstverständlichen Handlungsrepertoire.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
bis zum 4. März an Marie Unger
marie.unger [at]
Monday, 25 February 2013
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt, Vorständin des Instituts für Wissenschaftsforschung,
Universität Wien, Beginn 17:30 Uhr

In seinem Klassiker “Wir sind nie modern gewesen” hebt Bruno Latour auf Michel Serres verweisend hervor, dass wir nicht nur “exchangers and brewers of time” geworden sind, sondern dass es die stetige Verhandlung rund um Zeit ist, die uns weitreichend definiert. Ausgehend von dieser Feststellung wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie es um die Zeitregime kontemporärer Forschung steht.

Monday, 25 February 2013
Start: 5:30 pm


Contact name
bis zum 20.02.2013 an Bettina Kausch
bettina.kausch [at]
18 - 19 February 2013

Die 8. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Keynes-Gesellschaft wird sich grundlegenden Keynesianischen Positionen widmen. Analysiert werden u.a. Keynes’ „Monetäre Theorie der Produktion“, die Rolle des „Animal Spirits“ und die Beziehungen zur evolutorischen Makroökonomie. Weiter Referate behandeln ausgewählte Probleme Europas, von den Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu China bis zum künftigen Fachkräftemangel. Anmeldeformulare können unter mail [at] angefordert werden.

18 - 19 February 2013


Contact name
Jürgen Kromphardt
j.kromphardt [at]
13 - 15 February 2013

Workshop organized by Steffen Huck, Michael Hutter, Sir Peter Jonas, and Dorothea Kübler

While new ideas are two a penny, ideas that change the world are few and far between. In this workshop we want to explore the social, cultural and economic mechanisms that operate between the birth of an idea and its fulfilment in establishing change (or changing the establishment).

13 - 15 February 2013
Start: 3:00 pm


Contact name
Gebhard Glock
gebhard.glock [at]
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Vortrag von Berit Sandberg

Die typische Führungskraft einer Stiftung ist ein gebildeter, gut situierter Mann um die 50. Was bedeutet das für die Entscheidungsstrukturen? Wie elitär sind Stiftungsgremien? Berit Sandberg zeigt, welche gesellschaftlichen Kreise die meist ehrenamtliche Stiftungsarbeit prägen.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
bis zum 4. Februar 2013 an Marie Unger
marie.unger [at]
Monday, 4 February 2013
Short description
An Experiment on the Ellsberg Paradox: How Much Ambiguity Aversion? by Ken Binmore (UCL)
Monday, 4 February 2013
Start: 5:15 pm


Contact name
Jennifer Rontganger
jennifer.rontganger [at]
30 - 31 January 2013

The workshop serves to present and discuss the results of the research on the New Direction Foundation and the network of national think tanks (24 organizations) linked to the European foundation of the (right wing) European Parliament Group of Conservatives and Reformists (about 50 MEPs). The information has been collected over five months in collaboration with country experts and is presented at the website of the Think Tank Network Research Initiative

30 - 31 January 2013


Contact name
Marion Obermaier / Stefanie Roth
sroth [at]
Monday, 28 January 2013
Short description
Strategic Backward Integration by Konrad Stahl (Uni Mannheim)
Monday, 28 January 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
Jennifer Rontganger
jennifer.rontganger [at]
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Co:Sta Presentation by Sven Regel (WZB)

Automated content analysis is becoming increasingly popular for large-scale inference of information from all kinds of text. Although the talk focuses on the estimation of policy positions from political text, the underlying methods are basically applicable to a large variety of research questions. 


Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Start: 1:00 pm


Contact name
Christian Rauh
christian.rauh [at]
Friday, 18 January 2013

Das Soziale befindet sich zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts in einer Phase des rapiden Wandels, in der die alten Institutionen sich auflösen, ohne dass sich neue Stabilitätsgaranten und Gleichgewichtspunkte etablieren.  Im Pragmatismus, der durch Charles Peirce, William James, John Dewey und George Herbert Mead geprägt wurde, schlummert ein gesellschaftstheoretisches Potenzial, das in der deutschsprachigen Rezeption bisher fast vollständig übersehen worden ist. Kann eine pragmatistisch informierte Soziologie zu einem besseren Verständnis spätmoderner Gegenwarten beitragen?

Friday, 18 January 2013


Contact name
Tanja Bogusz (Anmeldung ist abgeschlossen)
bogusz [at]
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Vortrag von Elke Becker

Was passiert mit der Zivilgesellschaft, wenn sich neue räumliche Bezugsgrößen wie Metropolregionen bilden? Die eher abstrakte räumliche Handlungsebene stellt alle Akteure vor neue Herausforderungen. Elke Becker erklärt, welche Möglichkeiten sich dort für zivilgesellschaftliches Handeln bieten – oder auch nicht.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Start: 5:00 pm


Contact name
bis zum 14. Januar 2013 an Marie Unger
marie.unger [at]