Matching Markets: Combining Theory and Applications
The WZB is planning an international conference on matching markets. The conference "Matching Markets: Combining Theory and Applications," starting in the morning of July 14, 2016, and ending on July 15, 2016, will take place at the WZB in Berlin. The conference is organized by Inácio Bó (WZB), Rustamdjan Hakimov (WZB) and Dorothea Kübler (WZB).
Matching theory has matured to a point where matching theorists are able to make policy suggestions for real-life markets. The theory is supplemented by experiments and empirical analyses examining how to operate such markets.
The workshop will bring together excellent leading economists from North America, Europe, and Japan to present and discuss their latest research. It will also strengthen the mutual interaction between theory, experiments, and empirical researchers in matching. Finally, the workshop aims to further strengthen the field of matching market design and experimental economics in Berlin, promoting the local researchers of the field and identifying new research perspectives.
Marina Agranov Commitment and (in)efficiency: A bargaining experiment
Estelle Cantillon What drives the wedge between efficiency and stability in school choice?
Li ChenTime-constrained school choice
Yan ChenChinese college admissions reforms: Experimental and empirical evaluations
Umut DurBoston strikes back: Sequential school choice
Lars EhlersStrategy-proof tie-breaking
Yinghua He A Pigouvian approach to congestion in matching markets
Onur KestenA study of Turkish high school admissions
Fuhito KojimaMatching with constraints
Morimitsu KurinoHybrid lung exchange
Joana PaisStatic versus dynamic deferred acceptance in school choice: A laboratory experiment
Juan PereyraSelf-selection in school choice
Olivier Tercieux The design of teacher assignment: Theory and evidence
Bertan TurhanStability, welfare and incentives in partitioned matching markets
Utku ÜnverMulti-donor organ exchange