Sascha dos Santos

Sascha Dos Santos
Martina Sander


sdossantos [at]
Former Staff Member of the Research Department

Research fields

Labor and Labor Market | Education and Training | Gender and Family


Since 01/2025 Research Associate at DIW in the research group Life Course and Inequality and the research infrastructure German Socio-Economic Panel study 

07/2024 - 12/2024 PhD candidate in the research group National Educational Panel Study: Vocational Education and Training and Lifelong Learning. In NEPS he worked in stage 8: “Adult education and lifelong learning”

07/2019 - 06/2024 Research fellow at the Skill Formation and Labor Markets Department of the WZB within the scope of the Horizon 2020 Project TECHNEQUALITY

09/2017 -11/2018 Student assistant at Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe e.V. (LIfBi).    
Project: Returns to Education Over The Life Course: Well-Being, Social Capital and Participation in Adult Age (BiLev)

04/2019 M.A. Sociology at Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg.
Thesis title: Soziale Schließung des Marktes des sozialen Engagements. Eine ländervergleichende Analyse bildungsstaatlicher Moderatoren des Bildungseffekts auf die Übernahme eines Ehrenamts.

07/2015 B.A. Sociology at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Selected Publications

Dos Santos, Sascha/Dieckhoff, Martina/Ehlert, Martin/Mertens, Antje (2024): "Does Training Beget Training over the Life Course? Cumulative Advantage in Work-related Non-formal Training Participation in Germany and the UK". In: European Sociological Review, Vol. 40, No. 3, S. 464-478. (vorab online publiziert 15.04.2024)
Lim, Misun/Dos Santos, Sascha (2024): "The Gendered Impact of Parenthood On Job-related Training Participation in Germany and the United Kingdom". In: European Sociological Review, advance access, 03.05.2024, online:
Hornberg, Carla/Dos Santos, Sascha/Ehlert, Martin/Solga, Heike (2022): Training for the Future. How to Increase Participation Among Vulnerable Workers. Technequality Policy Brief 3. Maastricht: Technequality Consortium.
Dos Santos, Sascha/Ehlert, Martin/Hornberg, Carla/Scholl, Felix/Solga, Heike (2020): "Zu wenig Zeit, zu wenig Platz. In der Krise viele Hindernisse für Weiterbildung". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 168, S. 63-65.