Shifting Tensions between Vocational and General Education: France and Germany Compared (VOCGENE)


European declarations aim to establish an enhanced European skill formation area that will strengthen the EU’s global competitiveness. Yet the efforts of decisionmakers to achieve the diverse goals codified in the Bologna (higher education) and Copenhagen (vocational training) declarations imply the reform or even restructuring of national educational systems, which resist transformative change. Focusing on shifting tensions between general and vocational skill formation systems in France and Germany, this project charts changes in the competition between the differentially institutionalized organizational fields of general and vocational education.

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Selected Publications

Powell, Justin J.W./Graf, Lukas/Bernhard, Nadine/Coutrot, Laurence/Kieffer, Annick (2012): "The Shifting Relationship between Vocational and Higher Education in France and Germany. Towards Convergence?". In: European Journal of Education - Research, Development and Policy, Vol. 47, No. 3, Special Issue "The Bologna Process Revisited", S. 405-423.
Bernhard, Nadine/Graf, Lukas/Powell, Justin J.W. (2010): "Wenn sich Bologna und Kopenhagen treffen. Erhöhte Durchlässigkeit zwischen Berufs- und Hochschulbildung?". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 130, S. 26-29.
Powell, Justin J. W./Coutrot, Laurence/Graf, Lukas/Bernhard, Nadine/Kieffer, Annick/Solga, Heike (2009): Comparing the Relationship between Vocational and Higher Education in Germany and France. WZB Discussion Paper SP I 2009-506. Berlin: WZB.