The role of families and schools in the creation of education inequalities
What is the role of families and schools in the creation of educational inequalities? Are schools a “great equalizer” (Mann, 1848), providing opportunities for children from socioeconomically disadvantaged families? Or, conversely, do schools amplify not opportunity but inequality, because children from socioeconomically disadvantaged families attend disadvantaged schools in terms of facilities, teachers, and peers, while children from better-off families attend high-quality schools? Are schools better able to open opportunities to children whose mother tongue is not the one of the country they live in than to socioeconomically disadvantaged children who are native speakers? Moreover, are there variations between education systems? Or is socioeconomic inequality between families and and schools at the root of the problem?
Answering the question is not straightforward because the influence of families and schools is intertwined. One focus of the project is to take this into account in the research design.