2 - 3 November 2017

Horizontal Europeanization

Conference of the DFG-funded Research Unit “Horizontal Europeanization”

The Research Unit “Horizontal Europeanization” is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The research group examines processes of European Integration that occur in the interaction between administrations, organizations and individuals. We work in seven research fields and together generate more general knowledge on the scale and scope of Horizontal Europeanization. 

The aim of the conference is to present preliminary findings from the research unit to colleagues working on the sociology of Europe in Germany and abroad, and to discuss our empirical results with them. The conference will have the character of a workshop. Researchers who are not members of the Research Unit “Horizontal Europeanization” may also attend the workshop. They should register with the organizers beforehand. The panel discussion on Thursday evening is open to the general public and does not require registration.

The conference is organized by Jürgen Gerhards (Freie Universität Berlin as well as WZB Fellow) and Steffen Mau (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and member of the WZB Advisory Board).