
Articles in reviewed journals

Pantzerhielm, Laura/Holzscheiter, Anna/Bahr, Thurid (2022): "Governing Effectively in a Complex World? How Metagovernance Norms and Changing Repertoires of Knowledge Shape International Organization Discourses on Institutional Order in Global Health". In: Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 35, No. 4, S. 592-617. (vorab online publiziert 7.11.2019)

Articles in reviewed journals

Gholiagha, Sassan/Holzscheiter, Anna/Liese, Andrea (2020): "Activating Norm Collisions. Interface Conflicts in International Drug Control". In: Global Constitutionalism, Vol. 9, No. 1, Special Issue "After Fragmentation", edited by Christian Kreuder-Sonnen/Michael Zürn, S. 290-317.
Pantzerhielm, Laura/Holzscheiter, Anna/Bahr, Thurid (2020): "Power in Relations of International Organisations. The Productive Effects of ‘Good’ Governance Norms in Global Health". In: Review of International Studies, Vol. 46, No. 3, S. 395-414.

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Holzscheiter, Anna (2020): "The Ugly Face of Health Politics. COVID-19 and the Hypocrisy of the 'Saving Lives' Metaphor". In: Orders Beyond Borders - Blog, 30.03.2020.
Holzscheiter, Anna (2020): "Trumps Stöckchen". In: IPG-Journal, 23.04.2020.
Holzscheiter, Anna/Gholiagha, Sassan/Liese, Andrea (2020): "When Norms Collide. The COVID-19 Pandemic And Difficult Choices on the Hierarchy of Norms and Values". In: Duck of Minerva, 04.05.2020.
Holzscheiter, Anna/Huck, Steffen (2020): "Kill or Pay the Bill: Vol. 1". In: Corona und die gesellschaftlichen Folgen - Schlaglichter aus der WZB-Forschung, 22.04.2020.
Holzscheiter, Anna/Huck, Steffen (2020): "Kill or Pay the Bill: Vol. 2". In: Corona und die gesellschaftlichen Folgen - Schlaglichter aus der WZB-Forschung, 14.05.2020.
Holzscheiter, Anna/Huck, Steffen (2020): "Kill or Pay the Bill: Vol. 3". In: Corona und die gesellschaftlichen Folgen - Schlaglichter aus der WZB-Forschung, 27.05.2020.
Holzscheiter, Anna/Kunz, Raffaela (2020): "Irrational, Unprofessional, Radical? Towards a Differentiated Perspective on Age in International Law and Politics Scholarship". In: Völkerrechtsblog - International Law & International Legal Thought, 18.04.2020.

Articles in collective volumes

Gholiagha, Sassan/Loges, Bastian (2020): "Telling the Story of R2P. The Emplotment of R2P in the UN Security Council’s debates on Libya". In: Charles T. Hunt/Phil Orchard (Eds.): Constructing the Responsibility to Protect. Contestation and Consolidation. Global Politics and the Responsibility to ProtectRoutledge, S. 69-88.
Holzscheiter, Anna (2020): "Children as Agents in International Relations? Transnational Activism, International Norms, and the Politics of Age". In: J. Marshall Beier (Ed.): Discovering Childhood in International Relations. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 65-87.

Collective volumes

Sandin, Bengt/Holzscheiter, Anna/Josefsson, Jonathan (Eds.) (2019): Child Rights Governance. Childhood - A Journal of Global Child Research, Special Issue, Vol. 26, No. 3. Los Angeles, CA u.a.: Sage, S. 271-406.

Articles in reviewed journals

Holzscheiter, Anna/Josefsson, Jonathan/Sandin, Bengt (2019): "Child Rights Governance. An Introduction". In: Childhood - A Global Journal of Child Research, Vol. 26, No. 3, Special Issue "Child Rights Governance", edited by Bengt Sandin/Anna Holzscheiter/Jonathan Josefsson, S. 271-288.

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Holzscheiter, Anna (2019): "Akteure ohne Arena. Junge Menschen in der internationalen Poltik". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 165, S. 10-12.

Articles in reviewed journals

Holzscheiter, Anna (2018): "Affectedness, Empowerment and Norm Contestation. Children and Young People as Social Agents in International Politics". In: Third World Thematics - A TWQ Journal, Vol. 3, No. 5-6, Special Issue "Affectedness in International Institutions", edited by Jan Sändig/Jochen von Bernstorff/Andreas Hasenclever, S. 645-663.

Articles in collective volumes

Holzscheiter, Anna (2018): "Health". In: Anke Draude/Tanja Börzel/Thomas Risse (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook on Governance and Limited Statehood. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 438-458.

Articles in reviewed journals

Gholiagha, Sassan (2017): "On the Meaning of Democracy. Critique and Counter-Critique". In: New Perspectives - Interdisciplinary Journal of Central and East European Politics and International Relations, Vol. 25, No. 2, S. 89-95.
Holzscheiter, Anna (2017): "Coping with Institutional Fragmentation? Competition and Convergence between Boundary Organizations in the Global Response to Polio". In: Review of Policy Research, Vol. 34, No. 6, Special Issue "Boundary Organisations", S. 767-789.
Holzscheiter, Anna (2017): "Im Anfang war das Wort ... und es ward Schnee von gestern? Das Vermächtnis der zib-Debatte zum kommunikativen Handeln - Einleitung zum Forum". In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Jg. 24, H. 1, S. 127-129.
Holzscheiter, Anna (2017): "Was vom arguing übrigblieb ... Der Nachhall der kommunikativen Wende in den Internationalen Beziehungen". In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Jg. 24, H. 1, S. 143-159.
Kickbusch, Ilona/Franz, Christian/Holzscheiter, Anna/Hunger, Iris/Jahn, Albrecht/Köhler, Carsten/Razum, Oliver/Schmidt, Jean-Olivier (2017): "Germany's Expanding Role in Global Health". In: The Lancet, Vol. 390, No. 10097, S. 898-912.

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Bahr, Thurid/Pantzerhielm, Laura (2017): "Wollknäuel oder rote Fäden? Die verstrickten Beziehungen internationaler Organisationen - Internationaler Workshop 'Global Governance Fields beyond Fragmentation and Complexity: Emergence, Effects and Discursive Underpinnings of Interorganizational Relations' am 24. und 25. November 2016 am WZB". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 155, S. 46-47.
Holzscheiter, Anna/Bahr, Thurid /Pantzerhielm, Laura (2017): "Between Chaos and Choreography. Who Decides on the Architecture of International Health Policy?". In: WZB Report, Vol. 2017, S. 29-31.

Articles in collective volumes

Gholiagha, Sassan (2017): "‘To prevent future Kosovos and future Rwandas.’A critical constructivist view of the Responsibility to Protect". In: Sonja Grover (Ed.): The responsibility to protect : perspectives on the concept's meaning, proper application and value, Vol. 19.09.2017. London, New York: Routledge, S. 76-99.
Pantzerhielm, Laura (2017): "Contingent Materialities as Sedimented Articulations. Anti-essentialist Discourse Analysis and Materialism at the Nexus of IR and Political Theory". In: Johannes Beetz/Veit Schwab (Eds.): Material Discourse - Materialist Analysis. Materialist Approaches in Discourse Studies. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, S. 95-111.


Pantzerhielm, Laura (2016): Science and Democracy. Contingent Regularities in Scholarly Discourse on European Governance. Forschungsberichte internationale Politik, Bd. 45. Wien/Zürich: LIT Verlag, 105 S.

Articles in reviewed journals

Holzscheiter, Anna (2016): "Representation as Power and Performative Practice. Global Civil Society Advocacy for Working Children". In: Review of International Studies, Vol. 42, No. 2, S. 205-226. (vorab online publiziert 3. Juli 2015)
Holzscheiter, Anna/Bahr, Thurid/Pantzerhielm, Laura (2016): "Emerging Governance Architectures in Global Health. Do Metagovernance Norms Explain Inter-Organisational Convergence?". In: Politics and Governance, Vol. 4, No. 3, S. 5-19.

Articles in reviewed journals

Holzscheiter, Anna (2015): "Interorganisationale Harmonisierung als sine qua non für die Effektivität von Global Governance? Eine soziologisch-institutionalistische Analyse interorganisationaler Strukturen in der globalen Gesundheitspolitik". In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Sonderheft 49 "Internationale Organisationen. Autonomie, Politisierung, interorganisationale Beziehungen und Wandel", herausgegeben von Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt/Martin Koch/Andrea Liese. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 322-348.

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Holzscheiter, Anna (2015): Restoring Order in Global Health Governance. Do Metagovernance Norms Affect Interorganizational Convergence. CES Papers - Open Forum 23. Cambridge, MA: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University.