Selected Publications
Articles in collective volumes
Gneezy, Uri/Kajackaite, Agne/Meier, Stephan (2020): "Incentive-Based Interventions". In: Martin S. Hagger/Linda D. Cameron/Kyra Hamilton/Nelli Hankonen/Taru Lintunen (Eds.): The Handbook of Behavior Change. Cambridge/New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, S. 523-536.
Articles in non-reviewed journals
Kajackaite, Agne (2020): "Wie Mangel an Gewissheit die kognitiven Funktionen beeinflusst". In: Corona und die gesellschaftlichen Folgen - Schlaglichter aus der WZB-Forschung, 27.04.2020.
Kajackaite, Agne (2020): "How Scarcity of Certainty Affects Your Cognitive Functioning". In: Coronavirus and Its Societal Impact - Highlights from WZB Research, 27.04.2020.
Articles in reviewed journals
Gneezy, Uri/Kajackaite, Agne (2020): "Externalities, Stakes, and Lying". In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 178, S. 629-643.
Kajackaite, Agne/Sliwka, Dirk (2020): "Prosocial Managers, Employee Motivation, and the Creation of Shareholder Value". In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 172, S. 217-235.
Parra, Daniel (2020): "The Role of Suggestions and Tips in Distorting a Third Party’s Decision". In: Games - Open Access Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 11, No. 2, Article Number 23, Special Issue "Experiments on Dishonesty in Strategic Interactions", edited by Rainer Michael Rilke/Stefania Bortolotti, S. 1-21.
WZB discussion papers / working papers
Fries, Tilman/Parra, Daniel (2020): Because I (Don’t) Deserve It. Entitlement and Lying Behavior. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2020-401. Berlin: WZB.
Articles in reviewed journals
Chang, Tom Y./Kajackaite, Agne (2019): "Battle for the Thermostat. Gender and the Effect of Temperature on Cognitive Performance". In: PLoS ONE, Vol. 14, No. 5, e0216362, S. 1-10.
WZB discussion papers / working papers
Parra, Daniel/Munoz-Herrera, Manuel/Palacio, Luis (2019): The Limits of Transparency as a means of Reducing Corruption. WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2019-401. Berlin: WZB.
Articles in reviewed journals
Andersen, Steffen/Gneezy, Uri/Kajackaite, Agne/Marx, Julie (2018): "Allowing for Reflection Time Does not Change Behavior in Dictator and Cheating Games". In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 145, S. 24-33.
Charness, Gary/Eckel, Catherine/Gneezy, Uri/Kajackaite, Agne (2018): "Complexity in Risk Elicitation May Affect the Conclusions. A Demonstration Using Gender Differences". In: Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 56, No. 1, S. 1-17.
Gneezy, Uri/Kajackaite, Agne/Sobel, Joel (2018): "Lying Aversion and the Size of the Lie". In: American Economic Review, Vol. 108, No. 2, S. 419-453. (als Preprint publiziert in SSRN, 29.09.2017)
Kajackaite, Agne (2018): "Lying about Luck versus Lying about Performance". In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 153, S. 194-199.
WZB discussion papers / working papers
Kajackaite, Agne/Sliwka, Dirk (2018): Prosocial Managers, Employee Motivation, and the Creation of Shareholder Value. IZA Discussion Paper 11789. Bonn: Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
Articles in non-reviewed journals
Kajackaite, Agne (2017): "Spenden machen sich bezahlt. Je wohltätiger der Chef, desto motivierter sind die Angestellten". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 158, S. 29-30.
Articles in reviewed journals
Kajackaite, Agne/Sliwka, Dirk (2017): "Social Responsibility and Incentives in the Lab. Why Do Agents Exert more Effort when Principals Donate?". In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 142, S. 482-493.
WZB discussion papers / working papers
Gneezy, Uri/Kajackaite, Agne/Sobel, Joel (2017): Lying Aversion and the Size of the Lie. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network (SSRN). (1st version published October 14, 2016)