Project Group "Civic Engagement"
The civic engagement of citizens for the common good and the activities of civil society organizations are key structural components of civil society. The research carried out by our team focuses on both of these dimensions: first, we analyze the current structures, resources, and immediate effects of the civic engagement of citizens, and, second, we investigate the boundaries and long-term effects of civic engagement and the activities of civil society organizations.
The individual nature and interaction of the two structural components constitute the core focus of our third-party-funded projects “Transformation of third sector organizations and their influence on labor and employment relationships” and “Young people in civil society organizations”.
Another focus of the projects is the empirical analysis of the donation behavior of the German population.
Selected Publications
Priller, Eckhard/Alscher, Mareike/Dathe, Dietmar/Speth, Rudolf (Hg.) (2011): Zivilengagement. Herausforderungen für Gesellschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft. Berlin/Münster: LIT-Verlag.