Deutsches Forschungsnetzwerk „Digitale Gesellschaften in Lateinamerika“


(Für eine spanische und eine portugiesische Version bitte nach unten scrollen)

Dieses Netzwerk bringt multidisziplinäre Forscher:innen zusammen, die sich mit den sozialen Auswirkungen digitaler Technologien und Gesellschaften in Bezug auf Lateinamerika beschäftigen. Relevante Themen sind digitale Rechte, digitale Überwachung, digitale Ungleichheit, Plattform-Governance, digitale Märkte, digitale Arbeit, digitaler Kolonialismus, Technologieverbote und viele mehr. Ein Verständnis des sozialen Auswirkungen digitaler Technologien in lateinamerikanischen Gemeinschaften ist wichtig, um die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten zu digitalisierten Gesellschaften in Europa und anderen Weltregionen zu verstehen und eurozentrische und US-zentrierte Perspektiven in der Digitalisierungsforschung zu vermeiden. Unser Ziel ist es, sowohl zu einem besseren empirischen Verständnis lateinamerikanischer Szenarien beizutragen, als auch theoretische Rahmenwerke zu füttern, die nuanciert genug sind, um die Auswirkungen digitaler Technologien in verschiedenen sozio-politischen Kontexten zu erfassen.

Das Netzwerk wurde im November 2022 gegründet und organisiert persönliche Treffen in Berlin sowie Online-Vorträge. Die Veranstaltungen finden auf Spanisch, Portugiesisch und Englisch statt; Wissenschaftler:innen aller Fachrichtungen sowie Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen und Studierenden sind herzlich willkommen, dem Netzwerk beizutreten.

Um sich in unsere Liste einzutragen, klicken Sie bitte hier:

Organisatorinnen: PD Dr. Lena Ulbricht und Dr. Clara Iglesias Keller  

(Leiterinnen der Forschungsgruppe Technik, Macht und Herrschaft)

Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft

Hardenbergstr. 32

D-10623 Berlin

lena.ulbricht [at]  

clara.keller [at]  


Red de investigación alemana Sociedades digitales en América Latina

Esta red reúne a investigadores multidisciplinaries que abordan las implicaciones sociales de las tecnologías y sociedades digitales en relación con América Latina. Temas relevantes son derechos digitales, vigilancia digital, desigualdad digital, gobernanza de plataformas, mercados digitales, trabajo digital, colonialismo digital, prohibiciones de tecnologías, y muchos otros. Las implicaciones sociales de las tecnologías digitales en las comunidades latinoamericanas son importantes para entender sus diferencias y puntos en común con las sociedades digitalizadas de Europa y otras regiones del mundo y evitar perspectivas eurocéntricas y estadounidenses en la investigación digital. Nuestro objetivo es no sólo contribuir a una mayor comprensión empírica de los escenarios latinoamericanos, sino también facilitar el desarrollo de marcos teóricos lo suficientemente matizados como para captar las implicaciones de las tecnologías digitales en diferentes contextos sociopolíticos.

La red se fundó en noviembre de 2022 y organiza encuentros presenciales en Berlín y conferencias online. Los eventos se efectúan en español, portugués e inglés. Académiques de todas las disciplinas, así como estudiantes y académiques que inician su carrera son muy bienvenides a unirse a la red.

Para suscribirse a nuestra lista, haga clic aquí:

Organizadores: PD Dra. Lena Ulbricht y Dra. Clara Iglesias Keller

(Líderes del Grupo de Investigación Tecnología, Poder y Dominación)

Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society

Hardenbergstr. 32

D-10623 Berlín, Alemania

lena.ulbricht [at]   

clara.keller [at]  


Rede alemã de pesquisa Sociedades digitais na América Latina

Esta rede reúne pesquisadores multidisciplinares que abordam as implicações sociais das tecnologias e sociedades digitais em relação à América Latina. Os tópicos relevantes são direitos digitais, vigilância digital, desigualdade digital, governança de plataformas, mercados digitais, trabalho digital, colonialismo digital, proibição de tecnologias, e muitos outros. As implicações sociais das tecnologias digitais nas comunidades latino-americanas são importantes para entender suas diferenças e semelhanças com as sociedades digitalizadas na Europa e em outras regiões do mundo e evitar perspectivas eurocêntricas e centradas nos EUA na pesquisa digital. Nosso objetivo é não apenas contribuir para uma maior compreensão empírica dos cenários latino-americanos, mas também facilitar o desenvolvimento de estruturas teóricas que sejam suficientemente matizadas para capturar as implicações das tecnologias digitais em diferentes contextos sócio-políticos.

A rede foi fundada em novembro de 2022 e organiza reuniões presenciais em Berlim e palestras on-line. Os eventos são em espanhol, português e inglês; estudiosos de todas as disciplinas, bem como estudiosos e estudantes em início de carreira, são muito bem-vindos à rede.

Para se inscrever em nossa lista, clique aqui:

Organizadores: PD Dra. Lena Ulbricht e Dra. Clara Iglesias Keller

(Líderes do Grupo de Pesquisa Tecnologia, Poder e Dominação)

Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society

Hardenbergstr. 32

D-10623 Berlin, Alemanha

lena.ulbricht [at] 

clara.keller [at] 


Vergangene Vorträge

TechDo Colloquium

Ulises A. Mejias: Data and the Paradox of Plenty – A Decolonial Critique of Data as a Non-Rival Resource

Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 6pm / Weizenbaum Institute & Online on Zoom

After the talk, you are welcome to join us for an informal gathering over drinks and snacks.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ulises A. Mejias, Professor of Communication Studies the State University of New York at Oswego. His most recent book (co-authored with Nick Couldry) is “The Costs of Connection: How Data is Colonizing Human Life and Appropriating it for Capitalism.“ He is also a co-founder of Tierra Común (, and has been named a Fulbright Specialist from 2021 to 2025.

Organizer: RG “Technology, Power and Domination“ and the research network “Digital Societies in Latin America“.

Please register by sending an email to: techdo [at]


Vergangene Vorträge

Wilmer Machaca: Disinformation in social networks as an apparatus for legitimizing racism. The case of the city of El Alto (Bolivia) in the crisis of 2019-2020.

Date: 1.12. 12.00-14.00

Place: Hardenbergstr. 32, 10623 Berlin Tiergarten, Room A1-R05 „Flexroom“ (First floor)

Lecture in Spanish; discussion in Spanish, Portuguese, and English

In recent years, Bolivia has gone through a polarization stimulated by electoral processes and high conflict. The electoral results of the 2019 and 2020 elections have demarcated the political positions of one side and the other with regional, ethnic and urban-rural characteristics. Something distinctive of this moment was that much of the conflict was manifested on the Internet, through virtual social networks marked by a high social and political polarization, where ethnic identity was appealed to as a factor of exclusion and racist violence and misinformation as established by the report of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (giei).

The presentation focuses on the population of the city of El Alto; it analyzes the racist discourse during three moments: 1) the conflict after election day 2019, related to the mobilizations that took place after the results of the election were known; 2) the events that followed the resignation of Evo Morales, mainly the mobilizations in El Alto and the Senkata massacre; 3) the first stage of the pandemic, mainly the coverage provided by the media in the city of El Alto.

Wilmer Machaca Leandro is Aymara, member of the Internet Bolivia Foundation, the Jichha group, the Historical Archive of the city of El Alto and the Forum of Autonomies local power of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. He studied Sociology and Systems Engineering and his activity was mainly focused on digital activism on indigenous peoples in the Andean region as a result of his militancy in Indianism. Between October and December 2022, he is a visiting researcher at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society. The German Internet Institute in Berlin.