27. - 28. Juni 2019

Designing and Evaluating Matching Markets

The WZB is planning an international conference on matching markets. The conference "Designing and evaluating matching markets,” starting in the morning of June 27, 2019, and ending on June 28, 2019, will take place at the WZB in Berlin. The conference is organized by Inácio Bó (WZB), Dorothea Kübler (WZB), and Lars Ehlers (University of Montreal).

In the past two decades, the fields of matching theory and market design has seen great advances in terms of theoretical but also real-life contributions. These contributions have impacted the efficiency and organization of markets such as college admissions, school choice and organ donation. We are now seeing a growing literature on the empirical evaluation of these markets, both empirically and experimentally, in which theory is tested against the data, giving new inputs into the design of refined and novel mechanisms. At the same time, new proposals that go beyond the usual objectives of efficiency and stability are being proposed and having their merits debated.

The workshop will bring together excellent leading economists from North America, Europe and Japan to present and discuss their latest research.  It will also strengthen the mutual interaction between theory, experiments and empirical researchers in matching. Finally, the workshop aims to further strengthen the field of matching market design and experimental economics in Berlin, promoting the local researchers of the field and identifying new research perspectives.