12. - 13. Januar 2023

Constitutionalism Beyond the State and the Role of Domestic Constitutional Courts: Solange – 50th Anniversary

Online Workshop January 12th/13th



First Block  9:30 am - 12.30 pm

Commentator: Eyal Benvenisti (University of Cambridge)

Francesco Saitto (Sapienza University of Rome)


Do Not Forget Solange I: The Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe and the Struggle Over the Concretization of the European Constitutional Order

Jakob Gašperin Wischhoff (Humboldt University of Berlin)


So Long, Disputed Legacy of Solange Questioning the Coherence of Trajectory of National Judicial Resistance in the EU

Michael Kalis & Anna-Lena Priebe (University of Greifswald)


The right to climate protection and the essentially comparable protection of fundamental rights- Activating Solange in European Climate Change Litigation?



Second Block  2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Commentator: Monica Claes (University of Maastricht)


Marcin Barański (Humboldt University of Berlin)


Solange I and II: Between Constitutional Pluralism and National Constitutional Supremacy?


Max Steuer (O.P. Jindal Global University)


Republican Constitutional Puralism and Dedifferentiation of EU Integration: The Role of Constitutional Courts


Friday, January 13th


Third Block 9:30 am - 12.30 pm

Commentator: Lars Vielleichner (University of Bremen)

Sarah Geiger (University of Hamburg)


European and French Constitutional Law from then until today in constitutional jurisprudence: From strict separation towards EU-friendly identity control?

Niels Graaf (University of Amsterdam)


‘Solange’, ‘Fintantoché’, ‘Tant que’. The use of a canonical German decision in French and Italian constitutional debates

Eleonora Mesquita Ceia (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)


The role of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court in facing illiberal populism in emergency times



Fourth Block  2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Commentator: Daniel Halberstam (University of Michigan)

Nik de Boer (University of Amsterdam)


Karlsruhe’s Europe and the Politics of National Constitutional Identity Review

Julian Scholtes (University of Glasgow)


Constitutional identity and political closure