Prof. Dr. Christian Rauh

Portrait Christian Rauh


+49 30 25491 342
christian.rauh [at]
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
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Öffentliche Politisierung internationaler Steuerung | Politik der Europäischen Union | Quantitative Textanalyse


S-/W2 Professor für Politik im Mehrebenensystem, Universität Potsdam

Stellvertretender Direktor der Abteilung Global Governance am WZB
Gastprofessor "International politics and law" an der Freien Universität Berlin

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Abteilung Global Governance am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung

Dr. rer. pol., Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften; Dissertation „Politicisation, issue salience, and consumer policies of the European Commission”, summa cum laude, ausgezeichnet mit dem ECPR Jean Blondel Preis 2013

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Nachwuchsgruppe „Positionsbildung in der EU-Kommission“ am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung

Diplom Verwaltungswissenschaftler, Schwerpunkt: „Europäische Integration und Internationale Organisationen“, Universität Konstanz, ausgezeichnet mit dem Preis des VEUK e.V. für den besten Abschluss im Fach Verwaltungswissenschaft (Diplom)

Simulationsleitung, EuroSoc GmbH - Beratergruppe für europäische Fragen

Lehrassistenz für „European Cooperation and Integration“ und „Internationale Beziehungen“ am Lehrstuhl für Internationale Politik, Prof. Gerald Schneider, Universität Konstanz

Managing Editor, European Union Politics

Politische Unternehmensberatung, Repräsentanz der Berliner Wirtschaft in Brüssel

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Rauh, Christian/Parizek, Michal (2024): "Converging on Europe? The European Union in Mediatised Debates during the COVID-19 and Ukraine Shocks". In: Journal of European Public Policy, advance access, 24.04.2024, online:
Rauh, Christian (2023): "Clear Messages to the European Public? The Language of European Commission Press Releases 1985-2020". In: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 45, No. 4, S. 683-701. (vorab online publiziert 15.10.2022)
Rauh, Christian (2022): "Supranational Emergency Politics? What Executives' Public Crisis Communication May Tell Us". In: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 29, No. 6, S. 966-978. (vorab online publiziert 23.04.2021)
Özdemir, Sina/Rauh, Christian (2022): "A Bird’s Eye View. Supranational EU Actors on Twitter". In: Politics and Governance, Vol. 10, No. 1, Special Issue "Analyzing Citizen Engagement with European Politics Through Social Media", S. 133-145.
Rauh, Christian (2021): "One Agenda-Setter or Many? The Varying Success of Policy Initiatives by Individual Directorates-General of the European Commission 1994–2016". In: European Union Politics, Vol. 22, No. 1, S. 3-24. (vorab online publiziert 12.10.2020)
Rauh, Christian/Bes, Bart Joachim/Schoonvelde, Martijn (2020): "Undermining, Defusing or Defending European Integration? Assessing Public Communication of European Executives in Times of EU Politicisation". In: European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 59, No. 2, S. 397-423. (vorab online publiziert 02.07.2019)
Rauh, Christian/Schwalbach, Jan (2020): The ParlSpeech V2 Data Set. Full-Text Corpora of 6.3 Million Parliamentary Speeches in the Key Legislative Chambers of Nine Representative Democracies. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Dataverse.
De Wilde, Pieter/Rauh, Christian (2019): "Going Full Circle. The Need for Procedural Perspectives on EU Responsiveness". In: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 26, No. 11, S. 1737-1748. (vorab online publiziert 18.09.2019)
Rauh, Christian (2019): "EU Politicization and Policy Initiatives of the European Commission. The Case of Consumer Policy". In: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 26, No. 3, S. 344-365. (vorab online publiziert 27.03.2018)
Rauh, Christian/Zürn, Michael (2019): "Authority, Politicization, and Alternative Justifications. Endogenous Legitimation Dynamics in Global Economic Governance". In: Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 27, No. 3, S. 583-611. (vorab online publiziert 16.08.2019)
Rauh, Christian (2018): "Validating a Sentiment Dictionary for German Political Language. A Workbench Note". In: Journal of Information Technology & Politics, Vol. 15, No. 4, S. 319-343. (vorab online publiziert 06.07.2018)
Rauh, Christian/de Wilde, Pieter (2018): "The Opposition Deficit in EU Accountability. Evidence from over 20 Years of Plenary Debate in Four Member States". In: European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 57, No. 1, S. 194-216. (vorab online publiziert 20.06.2017)
Hooghe, Liesbet/Rauh, Christian (2017): "The Commission Services. A powerful Permanent Bureaucracy". In: Dermot Hodson/John Peterson (Eds.): Institutions of the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 187-212.
Rauh, Christian/de Wilde, Pieter/Schwalbach, Jan (2017): The ParlSpeech Data Set. Annotated Full-Text Vectors of 3.9 Million Plenary Speeches in the Key Legislative Chambers of Seven European States - Release Note. Harvard Datavers. (Version 1.0)
Meijers, Maurits/Rauh, Christian (2016): "Has Eurosceptic Mobilization Become More Contagious? Comparing the 2009 and 2014 EP Election Campaigns in The Netherlands and France". In: Politics and Governance, Vol. 4, No. 1, Special Issue "How Different were the European Elections of 2014?", edited by Wouter van der Brug/Katjana Gattermann/Claes de Vreese, S. 83-103.
Rauh, Christian (2016): A responsive technocracy? EU Politicisation and the Consumer Policies of the European Commission. ECPR Monographs Series. Colchester: ECPR Press, 314 S.
Rauh, Christian/Bödeker, Sebastian (2016): "Internationale Organisationen in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit. Ein Text Mining-Ansatz". In: Matthias Lemke/Gregor Wiedemann (Hg.): Text Mining in den Sozialwissenschaften. Grundlagen und Anwendungen zwischen qualitativer und quantitativer Diskursanalyse. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 289-314.
Rauh, Christian (2015): "Communicating Supranational Governance? The Salience of EU Affairs in the German Bundestag, 1991–2013". In: European Union Politics, Vol. 16, No. 1, S. 116-138. (Vorab online publiziert 28. September 2014)
Hartlapp, Miriam/Metz, Julia/Rauh, Christian (2014): Which Policy for Europe? Power and Conflict inside the European Commission. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, XVIII, 340 S.
Rauh, Christian/Zürn, Michael (2014): "Zur Politisierung der EU in der Krise". In: Martin Heidenreich (Hg.): Krise der europäischen Vergesellschaftung?. Soziologische Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 121-145.
Hartlapp, Miriam/Metz, Julia/Rauh, Christian (2013): "Linking Agenda Setting to Coordination Structures. Bureaucratic Politics Inside the European Commission". In: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 35, No. 4, S. 425-441. (Vorab online publiziert 3. August 2012)
Hartlapp, Miriam/Rauh, Christian (2013): "The Commission's Internal Conditions for Social Re-regulation. Market Efficiency and Wider Social Goals in Setting the Rules for Financial Services in Europe". In: European Journal of Government and Economics, Vol. 2, No. 1, S. 25-40.
Rauh, Christian/Schneider, Gerald (2013): "There Is No Such Thing As a Free Open Sky. Financial Markets and the Struggle over European Competences in International Air Transport". In: JCMS - Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 51, No. 6, S. 1124-1140. (Vorab online publiziert 25. Juli 2013)
Rauh, Christian/Kirchner, Antje/Kappe, Roland (2011): "Political Parties and Higher Education Spending. Who Favours Redistribution?". In: West European Politics, Vol. 34, No. 6, S. 1185-1206.

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Politicization, issue salience, and consumer policies of the European Commission

Beendete Forschungsprogramme

Positionsbildung in der EU-Kommission