Dr. Lea Wisken

Portrait Foto Lea Wisken (WZB)


Ehemalige Stipendiatin der Abteilung


Doktorandin am WZB im Rahmen des Promotionsprogramms der Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS)

Fellow Senior Associate, McKinsey&Company, Berlin

Master of Arts (Hons) in International Relations and Economics, University of St Andrews, UK

Forschungspraktikum bei Matthias Dembinski, Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Frankfurt a. M.

Praktikum in der Redaktion der Associated Press (AP) Nachrichtenagentur, Frankfurt a. M.

Praktikum in der Redaktion der Frankfurter Neuen Presse, Frankfurt a. M.


The dynamics of dissent: when actions are louder than words.  Mit-Autorin Anette Stimmer. ISA, San Francisco, USA, 4. April 2018.

Workshop framework paper. The dynamics of dissent: direct and indirect norm contestation. Mit-Autoren Anette Stimmer, Joel Ng, Patrick Quinton-Brown. REFRACT workshop-series, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, GB, 2.-3. June 2017.

Who wins norm conflicts, and why? ISA, Baltimore, USA, 22.-25. Feb 2017.

Should we call a lawyer? How to overcome problems in the conceptualization of norm conflictsIPT Graduate Conference, University of St Andrews, GB, 26.-17. Mai 2016.

Explaining Resilience in Institutional Complexes. Mit-Autor Benjamin Faude. WIRE-series workshop on the Evolution of Institutional Complexes, University of Québec, Kanada, 30. Sep - 1. Okt 2016.

Should we call a lawyer? ISA, Atlanta, USA, 16.-19. März 2016.

The Interplay between Law and Politics in the Resolution of Inter-Institutional Norm Conflicts. Mit-Autor Benjamin Faude, ISA, Atlanta, USA, 15.-19. März 2016.

The Stability of International Institutions: A Virtuous Circle with Loopholes. EISA Giardini Naxos, Italien, 23.-26. Sep 2015.

Should we call a lawyer? Die Versprechungen des Rechts, 3. Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, 9.-11. Sep 2015.