Lecture Series on Social Inequality

In 2011, the WZB hosted a public lecture series on key aspects of social inequality. Outstanding international scholars presented their latest research to shed light on an intensely debated topic. Speakers represented a broad range of sociological perspectives, and contributions covered diverse topics such as unemployment, health inequalities, subjective well-being, neighbourhood effects, immigration, elite reproduction, governance, parental social capital, and work-life balance, and their nexus with social inequality.

Dienstag, 5. April 2011, 17 Uhr

Not Genes, but Preferences, Choices and Constraints Matter for Understanding Non-Transient Changes in Subjective Well-Being
Professor Ruud Muffels

Donnerstg. 28. April 2011, 17 Uhr

Does Living in the ‘Wrong’ Neighbourhood Affect your Life Chances? Theorising and Investigating Neighbourhood Effects
Professor Marten van Ham

Montag, 2. Mai 2011, 17 Uhr

“Mind the Gap”: Conceptualising and Measuring Multiple Inequalities & Fairness
Professor Jacqueline O’Reilly

Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011, 16 Uhr

Working-time, Job Strain and Work-life Balance: What Role for Regulation?
Professor Colette Fagan

Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011, 18 Uhr

Participation or Exclusion: Expertise as New Currency in Conflicts over Transnational Governance?
Professorin Sigrid Quack

Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2011, 17 Uhr

Regional Integration and Welfare-State Convergence in Europe
Professor Jason Beckfield

Donnerstag 5. Mai 2011, 16 Uhr

Does Corporate Governance Shape Inequality?
Professor Gregory Jackson

Donnerstag 5. Mai 2011, 18 Uhr

Objektive Sicherheit, subjektive Unsicherheit Befunde, Trends, Paradoxien
Professor Steffen Mau

Montag 16. Mai 2011, 16 Uhr

Inequality, Opportunities, and Entrepreneurship
Professor Jesper Sørensen

Montag 16. Mai 2011, 18 Uhr

Spatial Mobility and Social Mobility in the EU: Elite Reproduction or Social Spiralism?
Professor Adrian Favell

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011, 16 Uhr

Does Immigration Undermine Public Support for the Welfare State?
Professor David Brady

Montag, 30. Mai 2011, 18 Uhr

Parental Social Capital and Educational Attainment
Professor Hannah Brückner

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011, 17 Uhr

Ungleichheit und Wohlbefinden: Sind egalitäre Gesellschaft besser?
Professor Jan Delhey