OECD Cross-national Study of Transitions of Students with Disabilities beyond Secondary Education


This cross-nationally comparative project for the OECD examines the state of knowledge concerning transitions of youth and young adults with disabilities beyond secondary education in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland. Focusing first on access to vocational training, higher education, and employment, the study identifies the results of educational and social policies and local practices, asking how educational quality and equality can be strengthened for this disadvantaged group. Secondly, the project investigates transition patterns within tertiary education and on to employment in order to build a catalog of factors that facilitate or hinder successful transitions, which will be used to guide a larger cross-national longitudinal study.

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Powell, Justin J.W./Felkendorff, Kai/Hollenweger, Judith (2008): "Disability in the German, Swiss, and Austrian Higher Education Systems". In: Susan Gabel/Scot Danforth (Eds.): Disability and the Politics of Education. An International Reader. New York: Peter Lang, S. 517-540.

Powell, Justin J. W./Felkendorff, Kai (2008): Transitions of Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities to Postsecondary Education and Employment in the German-speaking Countries. Expert Report. Paris: OECD