Begutachtete Zeitschriften
KALB, A., B. GEYS, und F. HEINEMANN (forthcoming), Value for Money? German Local Government Efficiency in a Comparative Perspective, Applied Economics.
GEYS B. und Z. MURDOCH (2010), Measuring the ‘Bridging’ versus ‘Bonding’ Nature of Social Networks: A Proposal for Integrating Existing Measures, Sociology, 44(3), 523-540. PDF
GEYS, B. (2010), Wars, Presidents and Popularity: Political Costs of War Re-examined, Public Opinion Quarterly, 74(2), 357-374. PDF
GEYS B., F. HEINEMANN und A. KALB (2010), Voter Involvement, Fiscal Autonomy and Public Sector Efficiency: Evidence from German Municipalities, European Journal of Political Economy, 26(2), 265-278. PDF
GEYS B. und W. MOESEN (2009), Measuring Local Government Technical (In)efficiency: An Application and Comparison of FDH, DEA and Econometric Approaches, Public Performance and Management Review, 32(4), 489-504. PDF
GEYS B. und W. MOESEN (2009), Exploring Sources of Local Government Technical Efficiency: Evidence from Flemish Municipalities, Public Finance and Management, 9(1), 1-29. PDF
GEYS, B., F. HEINEMANN und A. KALB (2008), Local Governments in the Wake of Demographic Change: Evidence from German Municipalities, Finanzarchiv, 64(4), 434-457.
GEYS B. und J. VERMEIR (2008), The Political Cost of Taxation: New Evidence from German Popularity Ratings, Electoral Studies, 27(4), 633-648. PDF
GEYS, B. und Z. MURDOCH (2008), How to make Head or Tail of Bridging and Bonding?: Addressing the Methodological Ambiguity, British Journal of Sociology, 59(3), 435-454. PDF
GEYS B. und J. VERMEIR (2008), Party Cues and Yardstick Voting, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, European Journal of Political Economy 24(2), 470-477. PDF
GEYS B. und J. VERMEIR (2008), Taxation and Presidential Approval: Separate Effects from Tax Burden and Tax Structure Turbulence?, Public Choice, 135(3-4), 301-317. PDF
COFFÉ H. und B. GEYS (2008), Measuring the Bridging Potential of Voluntary Associations: The Importance of Association Size, Sociology, 42(2), 357-369. PDF
GOEMINNE S., B. GEYS und C. SMOLDERS (2008), Political Fragmentation and Projected Tax Revenues: Evidence from Flemish Municipalities, International Tax and Public Finance, 15, 297-315. PDF
WERCK K., B. HEYNDELS und B. GEYS (2008), The Impact of ‘Central Places’ on Spatial Spending Patterns: Evidence from Flemish Local Government Cultural Expenditures, Journal of Cultural Economics, 23(1), 35-58. PDF
COFFÉ H. und B. GEYS (2007), Participation in Bridging and Bonding Associations and Civic Attitudes: Evidence from Flanders, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 18(4), 385-406. PDF
GEYS B. (2007), Government Weakness and Local Public Debt Cycles: Evidence from Flemish Municipalities, Local Government Studies, 33(2), 239-253. PDF
COFFÉ H. und B. GEYS (2007), Towards an Empirical Characterization of Bridging and Bonding Social Capital, Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 36(1), 121-139. PDF
COFFÉ H. und B. GEYS (2006), Community Heterogeneity: A Burden for the Creation of Social Capital?, Social Science Quarterly, 87(5), 1053-1072. PDF
GEYS B. (2006), Looking across Borders: A Test of Spatial Policy Interdependence using Local Government Efficiency Ratings, Journal of Urban Economics, 60(3), 443-462. PDF
GEYS B., B. HEYNDELS und J. VERMEIR (2006), Explaining the Formation of ‘Minimal’ Coalitions: ‘Anti-System’ Parties and ‘Anti-Pact’ Rules, European Journal of Political Research, 45(6), 957-984. PDF
GEYS B. (2006), Explaining Voter Turnout: a Review of Aggregate-Level Research, Electoral Studies, 25 (4), 637-663. PDF
ASHWORTH J., B. GEYS und B. HEYNDELS (2006), Everyone likes a Winner: an Empirical Test of the Effect of Electoral Closeness on Turnout in a Context of Expressive Voting, Public Choice, 128(3-4), 383-405. PDF
GEYS B. und B. HEYNDELS (2006), Disentangling the Effects of Political Fragmentation on Voter Turnout: the Flemish Municipal Elections, Economics and Politics, 18(3), 367-387. PDF
COFFÉ H. und B. GEYS (2006), Heterogeniteit en sociaal kapitaal: Een studie naar de relatie tussen een heterogene bevolkingssamenstelling en het sociaal kapitaal in Vlaamse gemeenten, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 27(1), 28-53. PDF
ASHWORTH J., B. GEYS und B. HEYNDELS (2006), Determinants of Tax Innovation: The Case of Environmental Taxes in Flemish Municipalities, European Journal of Political Economy, 22(1), 223-247. PDF
GEYS B. (2006), District Magnitude, Social Heterogeneity and Local Party System Fragmentation, Party Politics, 12(2), 281-297. PDF
GEYS B. (2006), ‘Rational’ Theories of Voter Turnout: a Review, Political Studies Review, 4(1), 16-35. PDF
COFFÉ H. und B. GEYS (2005), Institutional Performance and Social Capital: An Application to the Local Government Level, Journal of Urban Affairs, 27(5), 485-501. PDF
ASHWORTH J., B. GEYS und B. HEYNDELS (2005), Government Weakness and Local Public Debt Development in Flemish Municipalities, International Tax and Public Finance, 12(4), 395-422. PDF
GEYS B. und B. HEYNDELS (2003), Information and “Cognitive Sophistication”: Attenuating Influences on Ballot Layout Effects?, Acta Politica, 38(4), 295-311. PDF
GEYS B. (2003), Hoe verdeeld is de lokale politiek? Politieke fragmentatie in Vlaamse gemeenten, Res Publica, 45(4), 633-649. PDF
GEYS B. und B. HEYNDELS (2003), Ballot Layout Effects in the 1995 Elections of the Brussels’ Government, Public Choice, 116 (1-2), 147-164. PDF
Beiträge in Sammelbänden
GEYS B. und K.A. KONRAD (im erscheinen), Federalism and Optimal Allocation across Levels of Governance, in Handbook on Multi-Level Governance, H. Enderlein, S. Wälti und M. Zürn (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing.
ASHWORTH J., B. GEYS und B. HEYNDELS (2003), Income Tax Base Evolution in Brussels 1980-1999: The Budgetary Value of the Rich, in E. Witte, A. Alen, H. Dumont, P. Vandernoot and R. De Groof (eds.), De Brusselse negentien gemeenten en het Brussels model, Larcier, Gent, 165-181. PDF
Andere Veröffentlichungen
DUSO T. und B. GEYS (2009), Reviving the Economy: Robert Solow on the Need of a Coordinated Fiscal Policy, WZB Mitteilungen, nr. 124, 52-54. PDF
GEYS B. (2008), Koaliere und Herssche: Wie Ausgrenzungs-vereinbarungen auf die Regierungsbildung wirken, WZB Mitteilungen, nr. 121, 43-45. PDF
GEYS B. (2007), Herausförderung Diversität: Behutsamkeit ist angesagt bei Studien über Soziales Kapital, WZB Mitteilungen, nr. 118, 18-20. PDF
GEYS B. (2006), Kandidaten in der Pole Position: Das Design des Stimmzettels kann Wahlen entscheiden, WZB Mitteilungen, nr. 113, 33-35. PDF
COFFÉ H. und B. GEYS (2005), Verklaringen voor het verenigingsleven in de Vlaamse gemeenten, Samenleving en Politiek, 12 (6), 39-46. PDF
GEYS B. (2004), Politieke fragmentatie beïnvloedt beslissingen van kiezer en overheid, PubliContact: het e-magazine van Dexia Bank voor de publieke sector, nr. 49, November 2004. PDF
GEYS B. (2004), Proportional Representation, Political Fragmentation and Political Decision-Making: an Economic Analysis, Ph.D. Dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel. PDF
GEYS B. (2002), Economische Rationaliteit en Opkomst bij Verkiezingen, Nieuw Tijdschrift van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 15(1), 20-34. PDF
GEYS, B. (2010), War Casualties and US Presidential Popularity: A Comparison of the Korean, Vietnam and Iraq War, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2010-05, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS, B. (2009), Wars, Presidents and Popularity: Political Costs of War Re-examined, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-11, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS B., F. HEINEMANN und A. KALB (2009), Voter Involvement, Fiscal Autonomy and Public Sector Efficiency: Evidence from German Municipalities, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-02, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
DE WITTE, K. und B. GEYS (2009), The Political Economy of Efficient Public Good Provision: Evidence from Flemish Libraries using a Generalised Conditional Efficiency Framework, CES Working Paper, 2009-10, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. PDF
GEYS, B. und F. REVELLI (2009), Decentralisation, Competition and the Local Tax Mix: Evidence from Flanders, University of Torino Working Paper, nr. 2009-02, University of Torino. PDF
GEYS B. und W. MOESEN, Measuring Local Government Technical (In)efficiency: An Application and Comparison of FDH, DEA and Econometric Approaches, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-21, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS, B., F. HEINEMANN und A. KALB (2008), Local Governments in the Wake of Demographic Change: Evidence from German Municipalities, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-19, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS B. und W. MOESEN, Sources of Local Government Technical Efficiency: Evidence from Flemish Municipalities, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-18, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS B. und J. VERMEIR (2008), The Political Cost of Taxation: New Evidence from German Popularity Ratings, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-06, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS B. und J. VERMEIR (2008), Party Cues and Yardstick Voting, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2008-05, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS, B., F. HEINEMANN und A. KALB (2008), Voter Involvement, Fiscal Autonomy and Public Sector Efficiency: Evidence from German Municipalities, ZEW Discussion Paper 08-024, Mannheim. PDF
GEYS, B. (2007), How to make Head or Tail of Bridging and Bonding?: Addressing the Methodological Ambiguity, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2007-11, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
WERCK K., B. HEYNDELS und B. GEYS (2007), The Impact of ‘Central Places’ on Spatial Spending Patterns: Evidence from Flemish Local Government Cultural Expenditures, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2007-10, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS B. und J. VERMEIR (2007), Taxation and Presidential Approval: Separate Effects from Tax Burden and Tax Structure Turbulence?, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2007-09, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS, B., F. HEINEMANN und A. KALB (2007), Local Governments in the Wake of Demographic Change: Efficiency and Economies of Scale in German Municipalities, ZEW Discussion Paper 07-036, Mannheim. PDF
COFFÉ H. und B. GEYS (2007), Measuring the Bridging Potential of Voluntary Associations: A Note on the Importance of Association Size, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2007-04, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GOEMINNE S., B. GEYS und C. SMOLDERS (2007), Political Fragmentation and Projected Tax Revenues: Evidence from Flemish Municipalities, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2007-03, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
COFFÉ H. and B. GEYS (2006), Towards an Empirical Characterization of Bridging and Bonding Social Capital, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2006-11, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS B. and B. HEYNDELS (2006), Disentangling the Effects of Political Fragmentation on Voter Turnout: the Flemish Municipal Elections, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2006-07, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS B. (2006), Government Weakness and Local Public Debt Cycles: Evidence from Flemish Municipalities, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2006-06, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
GEYS B. (2006), Looking across Borders: A Test of Spatial Policy Interdependence using Local Government Efficiency Ratings, WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2006-03, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. PDF
Work in progress
ASHWORTH J., B. GEYS, B. HEYNDELS und F. WILLE, Political Competition and Local Government Performance: Evidence from Flemish Municipalities, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, mimeo. PDF
EXBRAYAT N. and B. GEYS, Trade Integration and Business Tax Differentials: Theory and Evidence from OECD Countries, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, mimeo. PDF
GEYS B. and K. MAUSE, Double Standards of Recruitment for Men and Women? Evidence from Moonlighting of German Politicians, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, mimeo. PDF
GEYS B. and R. NUSCHELER, Public Health Care Spending in the OECD: The Role of Partisan Cycles and Campaign Promises, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, mimeo. PDF
GEYS B. und J. VERMEIR, Institutions, Economic Performance and Political Support: New Evidence from Belgium, 1984-2007, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, mimeo. PDF
GRIESSHABER N. and B. GEYS, Civic Engagement and Corruption in 20 European Democracies: Separating the Bright from the Dark Side?, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, mimeo. PDF