The Euro zone entered into a period of deep financial crisis that picked up momentum in early 2010. Since then, Europe has seen a number of developments. These include new fiscal instruments and institutions that are meant to deal with the immediate implications of the crisis and provide financing for several member states. In addition, dynamic political negotiations at the European level have initiated a profound reform process of the European fiscal and economic governance.
This conference marks the end of a 4-year research programme at the WZB – hence our conference title – and aims to bring together leading economists and political scientists in the field of fiscal federalism and intergovernmental relations for a two-day workshop. It intends to provide a platform for exchanging the latest research results and ideas, to identify the main themes and problems addressed in current research and to foster the discussion of future challenges and opportunities in the field.
The conference aims to bring together, and provide a platform of discussion for, a small inter-disciplinary group of leading experts on the causes and consequences of the merger/separation of regions and on bargaining/cooperation in interregional negotiations and conflicts. The keynote speaker of this one-day conference will be Robin Boadway (Queen's University, Ontario).
Am 4. November 2011 findet der 10. Finanzwissenschaftliche Workshop statt. Hierzu laden wir wieder alle Interessierten ein, Arbeiten aus dem Bereich der Finanzwissenschaft einzureichen. Insbesondere den Nachwuchswissenschaftlern soll dieser Workshop die Gelegenheit geben, Ihre Arbeiten in einem größeren Kreise vorzustellen. Das Ziel des Workshops ist es,den wissenschaftlichen Austausch unter ostdeutschen Lehrstühlen mit finanzwissenschaftlichen Interessen zu fördern und unser informelles Netzwerk weiter auszubauen.
The Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance and the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) are jointly organizing an international Conference on
"Alliances and Alliance Formation in Conflict"
On June 9-11, 2011, the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) is hosting an international conference on the “Advances on the Political Economy of Conflict and Redistribution” which is jointly organized by Kai A. Konrad (Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, and Social Science Research Center Berlin) and Karl Ove Moene (Norwegian Centre of Excellence on Equality, Social Organization, and Performance at the University of Oslo).
Finanzen in Europa tritt in die entscheidende
Third FFF Stipend-Research-Workshop
7. Februar 2011
John Hills, London School of Economics
Chiara Saraceno, WZB
Herman Schwartz, University of Virginia
Peter Hall, Harvard University
Stephan Leibfried, Center for Social Policy Research at the University of Bremen
Die Staatsschuldenkrise ist zur Schicksalsfrage Europas geworden. In einer Notoperation haben EU und IWF die unmittelbare Zahlungsunfähigkeit von Mitgliedern der Eurozone abgewendet – und damit zumindest vorläufig die „No Bailout-Klausel“ geopfert. Es geht in diesen Tagen um die Zukunft des Projekts Europa. Einige Stimmen raten zum Eintritt in eine fiskalische Union mit zwischenstaatlichen Transfers, zu europäischen Staatsanleihen, einer europäischen Wirtschaftsregierung und zur Vergemeinschaftung der Schuldenverantwortung.